Family Friday Ministry Life kidminmama 874 views

Family Friday: 2016 Wrap-Up

Happy Friday! You survived the first week post-break. Way to go! We were supposed to get some snow flurries this weekend here in Texas, but instead it’s just windy and cold. I feel like my blog posts have been a tad weak-sauce this week, so thanks for bearing with my slow groove. It’s felt a little like this:

Since it is Family Friday, I wanted to share a little wrap up of our year. 2016 definitely was a good and we saw God’s provision first hand. As a kid, I was so blessed to grow in a family that was first and foremost obedient to God’s call, even when it meant life would not always be financially easy. Yet, God always came through and provided for us. I feel like that was echoed this year with my own little family. God’s provision came in crazy ways and through other people being obedient to His call.  At times it was stressful and not the easiest path, but definitely the most fulfilling.

Our girls are growing, healthy and hilarious. We luckily had no ER visits (miraculously) and managed a couple of crazy road trips to the beach and back. Hope loves preschool and is the social butterfly in her class. Her soccer & singing Facebook videos just about went viral, though she decided her soccer days are done as she prepares for gymnastics.

Zoey has earned her name as “Lil Zo Destruct-o” by breaking more things in her 19 months of life than Hope has in her three years. But she just laughs off the punishments with a grin and a quick bolt away (we’ve got our work cut out for us). Zoey is all about music and sings most of the time (we can usually make out the tune, but not always the words).

Kyle continues to grow in ministry through his role as Executive Pastor. He’s always learning new things and sharpening tools on his ministry tool belt. He sometimes preaches and leads worship for our church (though not on the same day thankfully). He led and coordinated a great D-Now last year and is gearing up for the next one soon. My hubby is definitely a hard worker and likes to stay busy (unless the Aggies, Cowboys or Mavs are playing). He’s looking forward to the men’s ski trip in just a few weeks!

I started this website in September and since October, I’ve had almost 4,000 page views and almost 1400 users. I’ve grown a following on Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram and have actually seen people put my ideas into action. This year I had the privilege to train at several area schools and look forward to speaking more this year. I left my job in May unsure of what the Lord had for me, but God has truly blessed this adventure. I’ve been so busy with the site and with our church,  but have also had so much more time with my girls.

I encourage you this year, right now, to be obedient to God’s call. It might not be easy, but it will definitely be worth it. I look forward to what God has in store this year for KidMin Mama, our church and my sweet family!

Thanks for letting me share,




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