Ministry Life kidminmama 927 views

Goals for 2017

It’s been a week since I talked about seeking the Lord for a 2017 vision. I prayed and honestly it’s hard putting these goals on something more than loose leaf paper. BUT if I put them out for the world to see that will help me have some accountability, right? 😉

For KidMin Mama:

  • Redo my Pinterest page and grow my followers
  • Grow to 1000 Facebook followers or “likes” (currently at 426)
  • Print business cards for KidMin Mama
  • Speak at a conference

I don’t feel my goals for 2017 for KidMin Mama are that out of control. It’s mostly about growing a following so more people can have access to free resources that could help their ministries. I also love speaking and would love to have more speaking engagements this year, including a conference (hoping to do a breakout or two at Texas Baptist Weekday Conference this summer).

For KidMin:

  • Continue to grow our ministry through outreach and kids events
  • Help our kids to have real faith right now
  • Give parents tools to aid in their child’s faith development

For our church ministry, it’s about kids taking ownership of their faith. We just started a new series called “kids in the Bible” this past Sunday and I’m loving it! Our kids were really into the story and understood that there is no age limit or requirement to have a relationship with Jesus Christ. I’m excited for what the year holds and to see our kids really grow. Also, we’re not a huge “programming” church, but I would love to have a few more events for kids to help reach out to our community as well as to disciple them. Have a great event? Please share!

For Me, Personally:

  • Learn to network
  • Submit writing to be published
  • Get published!
  • Pay off student loans

First, learning to network, is a big one! I need to help connect with others to get the word out about what I’m doing. I feel so weird sharing what I’m doing, but that’s something I need to get over in order to grow my ministry. Second, getting published, I’m not talking a book deal or anything, but I would love to be published on a website for Group, LifeWay, etc. I actually applied to write for LifeWay kids and am waiting to hear back (ahhhh!). Finally, the big one. The one I haven’t even told my husband about because he’d laugh at this goal (not in a mean way, but in disbelief). Paying off our student loans. Student loans are the worst, am I right? Two private schools cost a pretty penny and we’re paying for it now. I would love to pay those off and allow our family to have a little more financial freedom as I stay at home with our girls.

So there you have it. My 2017 goals. I’m putting it out there for the world to see and I’m excited to see what God does this year. What are your goals for this year? I would love to know, please share below!

Thanks for letting me share,




Journaling Bibles

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