Back to School Gift & Verse Card
We’re officially back to school! Okay, so my kiddos aren’t, preschool doesn’t start for another week (keep the survival prayers coming), but the public schools in our area are all back in session. Do your happy dance parents! This past Sunday we had our official “Promotion Sunday” where we celebrated heading back to school and promoting our new kindergarten students. We recognized our kindergarteners with big kid Bibles and in service our 5th graders received “sermon note” journals as they move up to student groups.
These were all great for those two groups, but I wanted all the kids to walk away with a little something and to know they were being prayed for. What I came up with were pencils tied together with a verse card.
I tied three pencils together with a rubber band and wrapped it in raffia. The tag I made with James 4:8 encouraging children to “draw” near to Jesus. Now, I included our church’s logo on these cards, but for you I took it off. It might be too late to use it this year, but they’ll still need pencils and prayer next year! Download the FREE verse cards below! (this post contains affiliate links)
Thanks for letting me share,