Bible Lesson Elementary kidminmama 2772 views

Basics of the Gospel, A FREE Curriculum

Today I’m really excited to share a new curriculum project I’ve been working on for a wonderful non-profit called The 25 ProjectThe 25 Project is all about the call in Matthew 25 to bring hope and healing to “the least of these”. They do this through an amazing sponsorship program and mission trips across the globe. I was honored to help my friend Shara (who’s moving to Sierra Leone this month) with a camp curriculum for kids in their program. She wanted something that would explain the Gospel with a non-westernized approach. I tried to create something simple, with minimal supplies that could be used anywhere.

This curriculum is broken into three sessions: The Problem, The Rescuer and The Change. Each lesson uses the Jesus Storybook Bible (affiliate link) to make the scripture easy to understand and includes small group discussion and game. These lessons are designed for around a 3rd grade level, but could be simplified for a younger crowd.

Below you’ll find a printable version. This curriculum is free for your church or ministry’s use. I’d love to hear where and how you’ve used it!

Basics of the Gospel Printable

Thanks for letting me share,

2 thoughts on “Basics of the Gospel, A FREE Curriculum

  1. Stephanie Van Kirk

    Really great job!

    1. kidminmama

      Thanks Stephanie!

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