Family Friday kidminmama 919 views

Bible Bedtime Routine Part One


It’s Family Friday on KidMin Mama. On Fridays, I’ll get a little more personal sharing about my family and about resources you can use at home. As you know, I have two sweet (& sassy) girls. Our oldest, Hope, has a pretty intense bedtime routine: read, pray, song, bed. In that order. She doesn’t mess around. Now, the reading rotation sometimes varies, but there are two books that alway get priority: The Jesus Storybook Bible and Everything A Child Should Know About God(post contains affiliate links)


For today’s post, I’m going to focus on Everything A Child Should Know About God, by Kenneth A. Taylor. I guess we’ve owned this book about six months (Kyle picked it up at a conference in the spring), so it’s a bit newer in our house than the Storybook Bible. The book is divided into ten parts ranging from “all about the Bible” to “who God is” to “when Jesus comes back”. The best part about this book is that it is super simple and each “mini section” is a short story followed by a reading comprehension/discussion question. There is also a cute illustration to go with it. 

everything a child should know

As you probably know, a lot of Biblical concepts are also abstract concepts, meaning concrete thinkers (like young children are) can’t fully grasp these ideas. This books does a great job of tying those abstract ideas to a concrete concept. It’s kind of like preschool theology 101. The author even explains how the book is designed to help young children understand these concepts about God and also that the book should be read to a child by an adult. This brings up an important point…

*warning: stepping on soapbox*

Parents are the primary faith builders! Parents, (not Sunday school teachers, pastors, theology professors, etc) are responsible for laying the groundwork on which a child’s faith is built. You can’t drop them off at church and expect them to transformed. As my dad always says, “more is caught than taught”, a relationship with God must be modeled at home. Yes, children have been transformed by the gospel by Sunday school teachers (see my post from yesterday) BUT, as Deuteronomy 11:18-19 says,

“You shall therefore lay up these words of mine in your heart and in your soul, and you shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall teach them to your children, talking of them when you are sitting in your house, and when you are walking by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.”

It is our responsibility, as followers of Christ, to demonstrate and instruct these truths to our children. Don’t miss out on sharing your faith with your children even in these earliest years.

*stepping off soapbox*

All that to say, if you are looking for a Bible or a book for young children to learn more about God, our family highly recommends Everything A Child Should Know About God. Hope loves it and we love the discussion that comes from it. We’ll talk more about our bedtime routine next week! Please share your bedtime routine in the comments. I’d love to know what your families’ nightly routine. 

Thanks for letting me share,


You can purchase Everything A Child Should Know About God here.

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