Bible Lesson Preschool kidminmama 2442 views

David Helped His Family

It’s Preschool Lesson Tuesday! Today I’m sharing a lesson called David Helped His Family. In this lesson, children will see how David helped his family in 1 Samuel 16 & 17 and how they can help their families too. This is a great follow-up lesson to last week’s lesson on God Made Families. A printable version of the lesson is available at the end of the post. (this post contains affiliate links)



Welcome children and introduce or remind them of Bible story time rules.

    • Example of Rules:
      • Sit on your pockets, criss-cross-applesauce
      • Hands to yourself
      • Mouths are shut, not open
      • Eyes on me
      • Have fun!

Opening Song

Jesus Wants us to be Friends


Bible Story Transition Song

It’s time to read our Bible, it’s time to read our Bible, it’s time to read our Bible to see what God’s Word says.

Bible Story (1 Samuel 16 & 17)

Visual: sheep puppet or stuffed animalsheep

    • Last week, we talked about how God Made Families. Today, we will talk about how a man named David helped his family.
    • His story is in the Old Testament (Remind children there are two parts to the Bible the Old Testament & New Testament) and from a book called 1 Samuel. David lived with his dad and his brothers. In fact, David had 7 brothers! Three of those brothers had gone off to fight in a war, but David stayed at home.
    • David loved his family and helped them however he could. His biggest job was being a shepherd and taking care of the family’s sheep (show the children a sheep visual). Every day he took them to find green grass to eat and water to drink. I guess it was kind of like taking care of a pet. Raise your hand if you have a pet. Raise your hand if you help feed your pet or take them on walks.
    • One day David’s dad, Jesse, had another special job for David. He said, “David take food to your brothers who are away from home.” Raise your hand if you know where the brothers were? They were off at war.
    • David went from his home to where the war was bringing food and supplies to his brothers. David was glad to help his brothers and showed them he loved them.
    • Do you show your brothers and sisters that you love them? If you don’t have brothers or sisters, what about your mom or dad or grandma/grandpa? If we love our families, we should show them by helping them!
    • Everyone put your hand on your head. Think of one way you can show your family you love them by helping them. Now, turn to one person and tell them how you can help your family. Okay, hands back on your heads….think of one more way you can help your family…..okay….now tell a different friend.
    • I could hear lots of good ideas on how to help your family. Touch your nose if this week you are going to do the idea you shared with your friends. Maybe you said you’d share your toys to make your little brother/sister happy? Maybe you had another idea. Whatever it is, try really, really hard to show them you love them today! Let’s say what we learned today: I can help my family (Repeat & pray).

Closing song

God Made Families

Story Reinforcers

help drawing

Drawing: I can help my family by… Children will draw how they can help their family at home using crayons or markers. 

playdough plate

Playdough: I can help make dinner! Using the place setting play dough mat, children will fill their plates with play dough food and talk about how they can help their family by making dinner with mommy or daddy. 

You can download and print the playdough plate mat here (I’ll share it at the end as well). I just laminated it with a simple pouch laminator (like this one) after I printed it on card stock.

Dramatic Play:

clean up

I can help clean up: Provide a broom, vacuum, duster, empty spray bottle or other cleaning supplies to allow them to help their family by cleaning up. 


I can set the table: Provide plastic plates, forks, knives, and cups for children to see how they can help their families by setting the table. 

Ikea has great plastic utensils or plates for cheap (check here). If you don’t have a “homeliving” center at home or in your classroom, I highly recommend it.

I can help with pets: Provide stuffed pet animals, pet bowls, empty food box, and brush or leash for children to see how they can help their families by caring for pets.

We didn’t get to try this one at home yet, but I plan to purchase a few items at Dollar Tree to set up this center.

Sensory Bin: Family Sensory Bin using little people families, a sensory base (like rice), and foam hearts. (similar to our bin from God Made Families)


Helping Match Game: 

Children will match chores they can do at home to help their families.   This is a great, free printable from Life Over Cs.

Printable Lesson:

David Helped His Family Printable

Playdough Plate Mat

Thanks for letting me share,


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