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Weekend Wrap-Up: DNOW 2017

I really wanted to have a preschool lesson to share today, but we have been recovering from a crazy weekend! This past weekend was our church’s DNOW weekend (aka the BEST weekend of the year) and thanks to my in-laws, I was able to help Kyle (the hubs) out the whole time. This was great, but also super exhausting. With 21 host homes, almost 150 5th-12th graders and a slew of amazing volunteers and leaders this weekend was an awesome success. The greatest success was the 9 teens that had their lives impacted for eternity by making Jesus their Savior and Lord. Thank you Lord!

Our church makes this event  a huge priority and being a church plant we need all hands on deck. Our church served all over the place, from hosting and driving kids, bringing food, setting up for the services and standing in the cold to be station leaders for the “Amazing Race”. My heart is so full not only for the teens, but to see our little church serve together and have a blast doing it. I loved Sunday morning seeing so many students and adults wearing the DNOW shirt, worshipping and glorifying God together.

I do have to brag on my husband for one minute as well. He is a hard worker and he loves students. I know it’s his passion to see students come to Christ and getting to serve alongside him this weekend was such a gift! The student staff worked just as hard getting everything ready and making sure it ran smoothly. Did I mention they’re volunteers!? You would never know they just volunteer by how hard they work and how much they love these teens.

I do have to share my main contribution to the weekend…the ultimate dessert. The winning group from the weekend gets a surprise visit from the student staff on Saturday night declaring them the winning house. We bring over the ultimate dessert and they dig right into it. This year the dessert was made of a cookie cake, apple pie, chocolate mini bundt cake, chocolate covered Twinkies, Cosmic Brownies, Rice Krispie Treats, a dozen mini cupcakes and Peep Gingerbread Men. An estimated 16, 389 calories (the equivalent to about 32 Big Macs). It’s fun to make each year and also super disgusting.

It was an awesome, exhausting, life-changing weekend and I can’t wait to do it again next year. Thanks for letting me share and I’ll be back to my regularly scheduled KidMin Mama posts tomorrow!




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