Family Friday Ministry Life kidminmama 897 views

Family Friday: Colorado Edition


This week, we were blessed with the opportunity to attend a “Pastor’s Getaway” at Wind River Ranch in Estes Park, Colorado. By “we”, I mean Kyle (the hubs) and I…just us, no girls. We love, love our girls, but let me say that time away with your spouse is crucial! It’s especially good for a ministry family to get away, refocus and refuel, but let’s be honest, it’s really good for everyone!


This week has been truly awesome, not just for the time away, but we’ve had an amazing guest pastor, Renaut van der Riet, from Mosaic Church in Orlando, lead us every morning and evening. I’m not going to lie, I’m pretty sure listening to him is like listening to the apostle Paul. He didn’t preach at us about “revitalization in ministry”, instead we refocused on the Gospel as a place of renewal for our soul. Even though I had heard the same scripture so many times before, it was hearing it like it was brand new.

Then, in the midst of all this renewal we’re in breathtaking scenery, with incredible mountains all around us. We rode horseback and hiked and just took in all of the natural beauty of Colorado. Kyle and I decided to do a 1.8-mile hike (one way) that was moderate level. This might have been a huge mistake for a couple of reasons; 1) Altitude (the hike went up 1,000 feet in elevation) and 2) We’re terribly out of shape. It took us forever, but we didn’t give up. We took frequent breaks, but we kept climbing. When we got to the top, we were so rewarded. What a view! What majesty! What a Creator!
Estes Park

After I got over my initial shock that a misstep could cause my imminent death, I was in awe. There is something strong and powerful about a mountain and in the Bible, mountains seem to hold such significance, so many important moments with God. Is it weird that I feel closer to God when I’m on a mountain or in the midst of mountains? I don’t know, but I do. I see all of this beauty and all of this power surrounding me, and yet, I am created in His image, we are created in His image. As Renaut said, we are an “expression” of who He is.

You can tell I had a “mountaintop” experience so to speak, but I am so grateful for the opportunity to come and refocus and refuel and marvel once again at the power of the Gospel. I am also thankful that Kyle and I had a week away to invest in each other, to laugh and worship with one another. I’m pretty sure the girls had a fun week of being spoiled courtesy of Aubi & Papa and Mimi & Pops (thank you, thank you). It’s been an awesome week, but we’re ready to get home to them!

Thanks for letting me share,


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