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God Made Families

Each week, on KidMin Mama, it is my goal to provide you with preschool Bible lessons and activities. These are lessons that can be used at home, at church or even at school. This is cafeteria style information, pick and choose what you want to use. It’s formatted for a classroom or a church setting, but we did all these activities at home. There is a printable version available at the end of this post.  (this post contains affiliate links)



Welcome children and introduce or remind them of Bible story time rules.

    • Example of Rules:
      • Sit on your pockets, criss-cross-applesauce
      • Hands to yourself
      • Mouths are shut, not open
      • Eyes on me
      • Have fun!

Opening Song

Jesus Wants us to be Friends


Bible Story Transition Song

It’s time to read our Bible, it’s time to read our Bible, it’s time to read our Bible to see what God’s Word says.

Bible Story (Genesis 12, 17, 19, 21)

Visual: Baby doll

    • Today friends, we will be hearing a story from the Bible. Everyone say “bible” (Bible). The Bible is one big book with 66 little books inside of it. And do you know that all of the books are true? They are real stories that happened a long time ago.
    • There are two parts to the Bible…the “old testament” (motion with left hand) & the “new testament” (motion with right hand).  This story comes from the Old Testament. Which means it happened a very, very long time ago.
    • This is a story about families. Who has a family? We have grandparents, moms, dads, brothers, and sisters. Raise your hand if you have a brother. Raise your hand if you have a sister. Raise your hand if you have a brother AND a sister.  Everyone has a family!
    • In this story, from the Old Testament book Genesis, there was a man named Abraham. Abraham was an older man and was married to a woman named Sarah.  He didn’t have any children; it was just the two of them.
    • God really loved Abraham so he promised him something. God told Abraham that he would have a family with many children. Lots and lots of children. God said Abraham would have as many children as there were stars in the sky!
    • God gave Abraham and Sarah a baby boy (use a baby doll). They named the baby Isaac.  Abraham thanked God. He said, “Thank you God for Isaac, thank you God for my family”.
    • God made families. He made families to love one another and take care of each other. We can thank God for our families. Thank you God for my family. Today we learned that God made families. Let’s say that again, “God made families”. He made mommies, daddies, grandparents and you! “God made families”! Let’s pray! (close in prayer)
(lesson adapted from Lifeway’s Bible Teaching for Kids Music and More for Babies, 1s & 2s)

Closing Songs

God Made Families

Father Abraham


Story Reinforcers:

family portrait

  • Family Portrait: Ask children to draw a picture of their family. Have paper, crayons and markers available for children to use. Ask children questions about their families. Talk about how God made all families and that each family is unique and special.  


  • Playdough: Provide star and people cookie cutters along with playdough. This is an easy free center that reinforces the Bible story.  When children sit down ask what shape the cookie cutters are and help make a connection to the Bible story.

I purchased these cookie cutters awhile back, but you can get star cookies cutters here and people cookie cutters here.

sensory bin1sensory bin play

  • Sensory Bin: Create a sensory bin using a sensory base (rice, beans, etc.) and provide stars and Little People (or dollhouse) families. Another option is to provide a doll house or Little People house with a family.

I purchased the foam stars from Michael’s, but you can get some here as well. My MIL (former teacher) had all the “families”, but you can purchase doll families here as well. The sensory bin I used is actually an oil change pan from Dollar Tree, however any open-topped container will do.


  • Dramatic Play: Provide Bible-inspired costumes and a baby doll so children can reenact the Bible story. A home living center is another great alternative to this activity.

I made our Bible costume out of strips of random fabric I had. The baby doll is just a normal doll wrapped in fabric as well.  


Printable Lesson

Here is the printable lesson as well as the God Made Families words & chords (a KidMin Mama original song!)

God Made Families Printable

God Made Families Chords


Thanks for letting me share,


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