Armor of God Bible Lesson Elementary kidminmama 10470 views

Armor of God: Gospel of Peace

It’s Grade School Wednesday here on KidMin Mama. This is the third lesson in the Armor of God Series. Our kids loved this lesson and had a blast with the Bible challenge. If you are using the Armor of God series from KidMin Mama, please let me know, I’d love some feedback on how it’s working for you! All of these lessons contain five parts:

    1. Welcome question: This is a question asked before large group begins. It can be written and answered on butcher paper or a whiteboard.
    2. Large Group Lesson: A 15-20 minute lesson using visuals and situational examples.
    3. Small Group Discussion: A list of questions and conversation starters to recap and review the lesson.
    4. Bible Challenge Activity: A hands-on approach to learning the weekly memory verse.
    5. Memory Verse Cards: Printable cards to be passed out at the end of the hour.

All printable files will be at the bottom of this post.


Armor of God: Gospel of Peace

Welcome Question

The welcome question can be written on butcher paper or a whiteboard and children can answer prior to starting the Bible lesson.

“Why are we sometimes afraid to tell people about Jesus?”

Recap from Last Week

This week, we will learn about our third piece of armor in the armor of God study! Can anyone remember what we talked about last week? It was the breastplate of righteousness. The breastplate of righteousness is all about making the right choice and following what God commands in the Bible. Who was the most righteous person that ever lived? Jesus! He was perfect!

Large Group Lesson

This morning we are going to talk about the “gospel of peace” as shoes on our feet.

Ephesians 6:13-14, “Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm. 14 Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, 15 and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace.”

Video Option:  


Walk the Line Illustration Activity

Activity instructions: Blue line taped on the floor, get 2 or 3 kids to walk the line in their own shoes. Then make them wear another pair of shoes (heels, shoes that are too big, and shoes that are too small).

I want to do a little exercise with you this morning. I need a couple of volunteers to help me out. First, I want you all to walk down this blue line, staying on the line as best as possible. (after they complete the first walk, have them take off their shoes) Now, I want you to walk down the blue line wearing these shoes. (kids should have a hard time with this)

When we have the right shoes on, walking this line is no big deal, but when we wear shoes that don’t fit or aren’t right we have a hard time. In Roman times, soldiers needed to have the right shoes. You can’t be ready to fight a battle with shoes that keep falling off or hurt your feet. They couldn’t wear high heels and fight the bad guys. They needed shoes that kept their feet firm on the ground, ready for whatever came their way. It’s important when we put on the armor of God, that we have the right shoes also. These shoes must be fitted with the gospel of peace.

So, what does “gospel” mean? (let kids answer) It means “good news”. The gospel books in the Bible are Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, each one talks about the good news of Jesus. The “gospel of peace” means the good news of peace that Jesus brings. John 16:33 says I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Just as Roman soldiers were sent on a mission, so were the disciples, and we are too! Let’s read about their mission, called the Great Commission in Matthew 28. This takes place after Jesus has risen from the dead and he had spent some time with his disciples.

16 Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them. 17 And when they saw him they worshiped him, but some doubted.18 And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age. Matthew 28:16-20

Jesus commanded His disciples to GO! To get out of that town and tell everyone about Him. They had to walk with the gospel of peace taking it with them to tell everyone the good news that Jesus came to die on a cross for their sins and that He had Risen from the grave. Wow! What an important job. Jesus came to forgive everyone’s sins and He needed his disciples to tell everyone about it.  
Besides going and making disciples, what else did Jesus tell them to do? (let kids answer) Baptize! Baptism is a symbol of Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection. Does baptism make you a Christian? No. Baptism just tells everyone that you are a Christ follower. If you already answered God’s call on your heart to follow Jesus, but haven’t been baptized, talk to your parents, teachers, or pastor.

Jesus told the disciples to go and make other followers of Jesus, baptize them and the last thing he told them was to teach! It’s important that the disciples taught and showed these new followers all that they knew. Just like we come to teach you every week and the reason we are learning about the armor of God. The disciples basically walked in Jesus’ footsteps, they went and carried his news to many different areas. God tells us to do the same.  Romans 10:15 says, “ And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!’

It’s our job to tell people about Jesus. In our welcome question we asked, “Why are we sometimes afraid to tell people about Jesus?” (go over welcome question answers) If Jesus is all about peace then we have nothing to worry about. We need to put on our shoes ready with the gospel of peace and tell our friends and neighbors all about Jesus and what He has done in our lives! Think of one person you can tell about Jesus and let’s pray for them now.

End in prayer and dismiss to small groups.

Small Group Questions

Take time to introduce yourself and have the kids tell their names.

  1. What is our piece of armor today? Shoes fitted with the gospel of peace
  2. What is the gospel of peace? The good news of Jesus
  3. Why did Jesus die on a cross? To be a sacrifice for our sins, so we can have a relationship with God.
  4. What is the mission Jesus gave the disciples? To go out and tell people about Him
  5. What is our mission as Christ Followers? To tell people about Jesus
  6. Are you ever afraid to tell people about Jesus? Why or Why not?
  7. Who is one person you can tell about Jesus?
  8. What is baptism? It is a symbol that tells people you answered God’s call to follow Jesus
  9. Does baptism make you a Christian? No, it just tells people you follow Jesus.

We should always be ready to tell people about Jesus wherever we go. It’s part of our mission & an important part of our armor. Let’s make sure to put on our shoes ready with the gospel of peace this week at school & in our neighborhoods! (pray before Bible Challenge)

Bible Challenge

Today our verse is Romans 10:15b,  “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!

Last week’s verse: Galatians 6:9, “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.”

shoe game

K-1 Ask if anyone remembers last week’s verse. Go over the new verse with the kids. Sit the kids in a circle and play “Pass the good news” (like hot potato). Chant the verse and have the kids pass the shoe until the verse ends. Whoever it stops on is out, keep going until there is only one winner. Play again if time remains.

shoe game2

Beautiful Feet Relay: (prepare before Bible challenge time) You will need two colors of sticky notes.  Take the first color and write one word from Romans 10:15 on the front. Do the same for the second color.  Separate the colors into two groups, placing them face-down/sticky side up several feet from your group.  Split your group into two teams and assign them a color. One person from each team runs over and must pick up a sticky note using their shoe. Then they must return with the sticky note on their shoe, to their group and the next person goes. After all the sticky notes are collected they can arrange the verse. The first team to correctly arrange their verse wins.

2-4  Ask if anyone remembers last week’s verse. Go over this week’s verse. Split the group into two teams, assign each team a sticky note color and play Beautiful Feet Relay. The first team to arrange the verse correctly wins. Practice the verse together if time remains.

Please return to large group and choose one child for small group recap.

Dismissal & Verse Cards

Pass out verse cards as children are released.

Printable Lesson


Gospel of Peace Printable

Romans 10:15 Verse Cards

Thanks for letting me share,


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