Monday Mama Devotional kidminmama 922 views

Monday Mama Devotional: Into His Arms


There is nothing like having a three year old that makes you want to bang your head against the wall. The term “threenager” is not an understatement. This past summer was the summer of “I’m kind of potty trained, but I think I shall randomly still have accidents on everything”. One night I was home being a single parent “super mom” style, while my husband was at a student event for church. I decided to be fun and let the girls watch a movie before bed. I went to put the baby down and when I was leaving her room, I hear the three year old say “I tee-teed”. I run into the living room to see my sweet, darling daughter arched and peeing on my couch. Pee-ing. Like probably had time to get up and go to the bathroom, but nah, think I’ll go right here kind of peeing.

I about lost my mind, ripped her off the couch and made her stand in the tub while I cleaned up. She then proceeded to lose her mind because I turned the movie off. Then, the baby lost her mind because she was trying to sleep and her sister was screaming about me turning the movie off. So, I stood in the kitchen to the sounds of both girls screaming and as most great moms do, I texted my husband to complain about the chaos.

Within a few minutes things quieted down, I changed my daughter, got her calm and talked about how wrong decisions have consequences. The baby went to sleep on her own and I rocked the big girl to sleep. And as I sat there, holding her, I thought about our Heavenly Father. How He does that for us so many days: we screw up, we lose control, we make the wrong choices and He still takes us willingly into His arms. He forgives us. He tells us, “it’s okay. We’ll try again tomorrow”. I am grateful each day for that fresh start. Some days I wish all I did was pee on the couch, but He still forgives me and loves me and gives me another chance. We don’t always go willingly into His arms, but they are always there, open and waiting. Put the pride aside, don’t fight it. Let Him give you a fresh start, especially if you don’t think you deserve it.

“How great is the love the Father has lavished on us that we should be called children of God!”  1 John 3:1

“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”  Lamentations 3:22-23


Thanks for letting me share,


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