Monday Mama Devotional kidminmama 1004 views

It’s Launch Day!

Wow! It’s Launch Day! Welcome to KidMin Mama. I am so honored that you would check out this site. Thank you for your investment to point children to the Gospel! I am Jessica aka KidMin Mama. If you want to learn more about me, check out the “About Mama” section of the site. Each Monday, I will be featuring a “Mama Devotion” and today’s devotion is a little bit about how this journey to KidMin Mama began. Please enjoy, share and subscribe!


Last May, when I said goodbye to my old job as a preschool director and hello to full-time mommyhood it was bittersweet. I loved my job, I loved my staff and most of all I loved the kids I worked with everyday. Yet, I knew God’s direction for my life was very clear: minister alongside your husband and stay home with your girls. Why would He be asking me to step away from my career, from income, and from something I loved? My life verse is Habakkuk 2:3…


I love this verse because it reminds me that God’s plan is always involved in whatever He calls us to do. Though we may not see the reason, we obey and trust and down the road we just might see the revelation of that act of obedience. The decision to stay home was a huge step of faith for our family. Being a one-income household in ministry means the budget would now be very tight and another source of income could be helpful.

Now, being the go-getter I am, I tried to come up with a new stay-at-home job plan the first day I was home, but the Lord told me to wait. He told me to take the month of June and pray about what it was He wanted me to do next (another shout out to Hbk 2:3). Serving alongside Kyle meant serving more at our church and stepping into a bigger role with our kid’s ministry. All that month I felt God place this website on my heart. I knew there were church plants and smaller churches all over the nation faced with the same challenges we were faced with, needing resources, ideas, and help in doing ministry.

When July hit, I started to feel a little unsure…I was overwhelmed at the idea of creating a website. Where do I even begin? I started doing a little bit of research, asking what children’s ministers and volunteers were searching for. I purchased a domain and created social media handles. I emailed tech friends for advice and googled A LOT. I used the gifts and skills of my best friends for graphics and photos. I received encouragement and affirmation from church friends. My husband talked me down when I was ready to give up and abandon ship. Despite all that, here we are.

I am honestly still overwhelmed. I’m overwhelmed with getting the site started and the idea of running it every week. But I’m also overwhelmed with the outpour of support. Last Thursday I went live on Facebook to talk about why I am launching the site and the response shocked me. Over 4,000 views! There is so much support and encouragement from so many people. People who see the value and great importance we have in telling children about Jesus, people who see the priority of loving them and pointing them to the Gospel.

I have a lot of hopes and dreams for this site, but one is coming to fruition today–it’s launch day! The site is real, it’s up, and I am praying that the Lord uses it in a mighty way. Thank you for joining me on this journey, check back this week for resources and ideas to help reach our kids for the gospel! I’m excited for what God has in store for all of us.

Thanks for letting me share,





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