Bible Lesson Preschool kidminmama 1828 views

Jesus Fed the People

It’s Preschool Tuesday again and now that we’re in November, I’m sharing more about being thankful and caring for others. This week, I’m sharing the Bible story, “Jesus Fed the People”. Our puppet friend returns again and helps the children understand that Jesus cares for people and we should too. There are some great story reinforcers that go along with lesson as well. When I taught chapel, we would always do a food drive along with this lesson. It’s a practical way children can understand caring for others. I hope this lesson is helpful for you! At the bottom of this post is a printable version of the lesson. (post contains affiliate links)



Welcome children and introduce or remind them of Bible story time rules.

Opening Song

Jesus Wants us to be Friends 


Bible Story (Matthew 14)

Teacher: This month we celebrate Thanksgiving. How many of you love Thanksgiving? I know I do! I love to eat turkey, stuffing, macaroni & cheese, and all of those good things!

Puppet: Mmmm-hmmm, me too! I love some good home-cooking!

Teacher: Oh hi (Puppet’s Name), welcome back! We were just about to start our Bible story. Ooo! Let’s sing our song! (Bible Story Transition Song)

Puppet: Yay! What’s the story today (Teacher’s Name)? All that talk about food is making me hungry!

Teacher: Our story today might make you a little hungrier Charlie. We are going to talk about Jesus feeding the 5000.

Puppet: Who is 5000 and why was he so hungry?

Teacher: The 5000 isn’t a man, its 5000 people.

Puppet: So Jesus had a really big table for 5000 people and they all ate dinner?

Teacher: Not quite, hold on let me get my Bible—this story comes from Matthew 14. Jesus was teaching a large crowd, about 5000 people. He was talking to these people for a long time. Finally, it was getting late and the disciples told Jesus that he should let the people go home and get some dinner. They were starting to get hungry.

Puppet: When I’m hungry my tummy growls a lot!

Teacher: I’m sure there were lots of tummies growling in the group. So Jesus decided to feed them right then and there. He asked if someone had some food to share.

Puppet: Why didn’t Jesus just run to Chick Fil A and get everyone a kid’s meal?

Teacher: Well, first of all, there were no Chick Fil As back then and second, they were far away from any towns. There wasn’t a place to run and get food—and it would have been expensive to feed 5000 people. The only food the disciples found was from a little boy who had five loaves of bread and two small fish.

Puppet: 5 loaves of bread and two fish!? The only way that would feed 5000 people would be a miracle!

Teacher: That’s exactly what happened. Jesus performed a miracle. Jesus took the bread and fish and gave thanks to God. Then he started passing around baskets of food. And guess what?

Puppet: What!?

Teacher: Everyone got something to eat and there were 12 baskets leftover!

Puppet: No Way….That’s awesome!

Teacher: It is pretty awesome! Jesus did a big miracle and helped a lot of people. Do you know what our phrase of the day is today (Puppet’s Name)?

Puppet: Hmmmm, Jesus helped people?

Teacher: That’s exactly right! Jesus helped people. Let’s all say that together, “Jesus helped people”. And you know what  friends? We can help people too.

Puppet: Hmmm, I wonder if I can help people too?

Teacher: I think you can (Puppet’s Name)! You’ve helped me today with the story. Thanks for visiting us today (Puppet’s Name), come back soon!

Puppet: I will! Now I’ve got to go tell my puppet friends about how Jesus helped people! Bye guys!

Teacher: Say bye to (Puppet’s Name) and let’s say our phrase of the day one more time; “Jesus helped people”. Let’s pray!

Closing Songs

Jesus Loves Me

Jesus is my Best Friend

Story Reinforcers


Playdough: Using the printable basket playdough mat below (or real baskets) instruct children to make fish and bread loaves out of playdough. They can use a fish cookie cutter if need be and roll the playdough like bread.

Hope loved figuring out how to make the bread. She’s really into playdough right now, so this is always a great center to have or activity to do with your child. 


Dramatic Play: Provide baskets and play bread and fish. Children can process the story by retelling it through this dramatic play activity. Providing biblical costumes can also be a nice addition to this center.


Mission Activity: Collect food for a local food pantry. Talk about how we can feed and care for others like Jesus did.

This is always a great conversation to have with your child or the children in your class. Meeting needs is an important part our job as Christians and we want to help others like Jesus did. 

Goldfish sorting

Sorting Activity: Purchase multi-colored goldfish and allow children to sort a small cup of goldfish by color using the printable mat or your own. Talk about the fish the boy shared with Jesus and then all of the people were able to eat.

Printable Resources

Jesus Fed the People Printable

Playdough Mat

Goldfish Sorting Mat

Thanks for letting me share,


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