Bible Lesson Preschool kidminmama 2655 views

Preschool Lesson: Jesus Helped a Man Hear

Today I’m finally back with a preschool lesson! It’s been awhile, but I’m happy to share today’s lesson “Jesus Helped a Man Hear”. Through this story and fun activities children will learn that Jesus helped people because He loved them. As always, a printable copy of this lesson will be at the end of the post.


Welcome children and introduce or remind them of Bible story time rules.

Opening Song

Jesus Wants us to be Friends 


Bible Story (Mark 7:31-37)

Visual: musical instruments

  • I am so excited today; I was able to  borrow some musical instruments for our storytime today! I love playing them and hearing the beautiful noise they make. Let’s listen to some. (play a few of the musical instruments)
  • You know, what if we couldn’t hear this instrument…what if when we rang the bell, we heard nothing! That would be so sad. And what if we couldn’t sing songs? If our voice didn’t make a sound! That would be sad as well.
  • In the Bible, in the New Testament, there was a man who couldn’t hear AND he couldn’t talk. The man’s friends took him to see….who do you think they could take him too? Jesus! His friends took him to see Jesus.
  • They asked Jesus to please help their friend. Jesus touched the man’s ears and said “Be Open”. The man could hear! Then the man began talking—he could now speak!
  • The man and his friends were so happy and excited! They wanted to tell everyone what Jesus had done!
  • Wow! What a cool story from the Bible! Jesus took care of the man and helped him. But why would he do that? Do you know? Because he loved the man, just like Jesus loves everyone one of you!
  • That’s what we learned today, Jesus helped people because he loves them. Jesus is loving! Let’s say it together again: Jesus is loving!
  • Let’s Pray.

Memory Verse

Philippians 4:4 “Rejoice in the Lord always.”

Closing Songs

Jesus Loves Me 

Jesus is my Best Friend 

Story Reinforcers

Musical Instruments: Allow children to play with the instruments from the lesson. Talk about how we can play music to praise God and worship Jesus.  Have children close their eyes or turn around (backs to you). Play an instrument, then have them turn around and guess which one you played. Encourage children to come up with their own songs to Jesus.

Jesus Loves Me Bingo:Allow children to play a game that uses their listening skills. I found this “Jesus Loves Me Bingo” from Ministry to Children’s site. Children can see how listening and hearing sounds is important. You can discuss how the man Jesus healed must have felt hearing for the first time.

Animal Charades: Allow children to act out simple animals. This game will help teach children that the difficulties of not speaking, like the man in the story. I found these great printable charade cards from Buggy and Buddy’s blog.

Jesus is Loving Mural: Provide posterboard or butcher paper and write on the top “Jesus is Loving”. Encourage children to draw times that Jesus was loving. Then allow them to share their part of the mural with the class.

Printable Resources

Printable Jesus Helped a Man Hear Lesson

Thanks for letting me share,

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