Bible Lesson Easter Preschool kidminmama 4553 views

Preschool Lesson: Jesus is Alive

Since I’m continuing with the Easter lesson theme, I thought I’d share one of my favorite lessons to teach, “Jesus is Alive”. The fun part of this lesson is the flower cross visual. I did this every year at the preschool I directed. Children would bring in a fresh flower and place it on a cross covered in chicken wire. Right before their eyes they would see the cross transform, representing Jesus’ resurrection.


Welcome children and introduce or remind them of Bible story time rules.

Opening Song

Jesus Wants us to be Friends:


Bible Story (Matthew 28:1-10)

  • Start lesson with children coming in and placing their flowers on the cross.  
  • What is this? It’s a cross.
  • Can anyone tell me what happened on the cross? Jesus died on the cross
  • Yes, Jesus died on a cross for our sins/for all the bad things we have done or will ever do.
  • And when Jesus died he was buried in a what? A tomb!
  • Yes, some people who loved Jesus buried him there. Soldiers rolled a huge rock over the tomb so no one could get in or out.
  • For three days, nothing happened and then something great happened! The earth shook and an angel from heaven came and rolled the huge stone away. Mary and some friends were going to the tomb when they came upon the angel who said “Do not be afraid, Jesus is not here. He has risen”. The angel told them to go and tell the other followers of Jesus that He was alive!
  • Before we put the flowers on the cross it was wooden and plain. It was sad because we know that Jesus died on the cross. But now it’s covered with flowers and reminds us that Jesus is alive!
  • That is why we celebrate Easter, to remind us that Jesus is alive!
  • Remember at Christmas we talked about baby Jesus? This is the same person! He lived on earth and grew up to be a man, he loved people and took care of them, and then he died on the cross for all the sins of the world. But today we celebrate because Jesus is still alive! And one day he’ll come back to take us all to heaven with him. Doesn’t that sound great?
  • So when we see a cross, we know Jesus is Alive! That’s the true meaning of Easter. Let’s say it again. Jesus is Alive!
Hope and the Flower Cross last year!

Notes on this Lesson

  • If you have a large group, this lesson can take awhile. I’ll share some other “Easter reinforcers” next week, but I didn’t include them today because this lesson lasts awhile.
  • I recommend having a couple extra bouquets of flowers for children who forgot.
  • I have also done this as a church-wide event, the church made a large 8-foot cross covered in chicken wire and then after church it was a great photo op. It turns out beautiful! (our preschool cross was just around 3.5ft)
  • Let me know if you have questions on building your own!

Printable Resources

Printable Jesus is Alive Lesson

Thanks for letting me share,

2 thoughts on “Preschool Lesson: Jesus is Alive

  1. Elizabeth

    What a beautiful idea. What did you use to hold the flowers up?

    1. kidminmama

      We built a wooden cross and covered it with chicken wire, about 3/4in-1in gap between the wire and the cross.

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