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John the Baptist: Preschool Lesson

I have been writing up a storm lately! We started a new curriculum in Kid’s Church which means I’m writing our 1st-4th grade series AND our kindergarten series right now. That is a lot to write, prep and communicate each week. I’m excited to share our new series with you in a couple of weeks. It’s based on the “Wonder” movie and helps children understand that the condition of our hearts always matters more than our appearance. I’ve been connecting this series with our kindergarten lessons and today I’m sharing a lesson on John the Baptist. We do use this for kindergarten, but it would also work for preschool as well. As always, printable versions of this lesson are available at the bottom of this post.


Welcome children and introduce or remind them of Bible story time rules.


Bible Story

Hi friends! Today we’re going to talk about someone that looked a little funny on the outside, but in his heart he knew he was doing just what God called him to do. Have you ever had someone judge you on the way you look? John has and this his story. Let’s read about him in our Storybook Bible, “Heaven Breaks Through”. (Read pages 200-207)

John the Baptist looked a little funny. He wore weird clothes, lived in the desert and ate bugs dipped in honey. He probably smelled weird. But all that didn’t matter because he had one important job. What was that job? Get people ready for the Rescuer. He was working to make sure people know they needed to be rescued and it was time to turn from their disobedient ways. Then what happened? Jesus came to get baptized by John. Had Jesus done anything wrong? No, but through it God told everyone this is my son! He’s here to rescue you!

We need to remember that Jesus uses all of us to help in his rescue. It’s our job to tell others about him, no matter how funny it makes us look.

Close in prayer.

Memory Verse

Read the verse and then practice saying the verse together out loud. Be alert, stand firm in the faith, be courageous be strong.” 1 Corinthians 16:13.

Story Reinforcers

John the Baptist Cut Out: Using construction paper, yarn, glue and miscellaneous art supplies, allow children to create John the Baptist with his camel hair clothes, big beard and usual appetite. Allow them to write the memory verse somewhere on their picture, reminding them to stand firm and be courageous for Jesus.

I got this idea from the Steadfast Family’s blog. It’s a hands-on and creative way for children to understand the story of John the Baptist.

Match Game: Lay out all the the cards provided face down. Take turns allowing the children to try to match pictures that coordinate with a part of the story. Each child gets one try to match two cards. If they match, remove them from the stack and move to the next person. If they don’t match, place the cards back face down and move to the next person. Continue play until all the cards have been matched. As a secondary activity, try to get the children to put the cards in the order of the story and ask them to retell the Bible story.

Illustrate it!: Using lined paper, have children write out a part of the story they liked. Then have each them illustrate what they wrote. At the end, have each child share their picture with the group.

We do this weekly in our kindergarten class. It helps their writing skills as well as retention of the story.

Printable Resources:

Thanks for letting me share,



2 thoughts on “John the Baptist: Preschool Lesson

  1. lynne

    thanks so much for the john the baptist ideas…… i copied most of your lesson….. i really liked the look of your memory verse cards….. and a belated thank you for the valentines cards that were printable in february…. i appreciated using valentines that were church-oriented……

    1. kidminmama

      Great! So glad it could help you! 🙂

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