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What do we want our kids to learn in 2017?

Y’all. I’m a hot mess. I CANNOT get it together this week. I tried to explain to my husband the other night that my brain spider webs to like 20 different things per minute and that’s why I’m always mentally exhausted. He told me to stop doing that…if only I could… (insert eye roll emoji here 😉 ) There’s a point to this post, I promise.

Last night I got on Facebook and posted a live video. I asked people what they wanted their kids to get out of this new year. Did they want them to begin a relationship with Christ? Did they want them to learn to be kind? What is the one thing they want their child to learn whether its from church, Sunday school or studying God’s Word at home? So I ask you the same thing. What is it that you want your child or KidMin kiddos to learn this year? If you don’t know, great! Pray about it. Seek the Lord for what you would have them learn and talk about it with other parents. Remember, our church is a community and we’re raising our kids in a very dark world–we need all the help we can get. If you do know what you want them to learn, write it in the comments below. Let’s get a discussion going and maybe we can work together to help point our kids to the Gospel.


Thanks for letting me share,



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