Monday Mama Devotional kidminmama 1146 views

Monday Mama Devotional: Praise Party!


Have you ever just sat and realized how good God is? I’m sure you have, but I don’t think we do it enough. We tend to get busy, to fill our plates with other things in life. Then sometimes God slaps you in the face and says, “Hey! I’m answering your prayers! Pay attention!”. Then it’s a quick “thanks God” and back to filling our plate.

I think we need to every now and then have a “praise party”. A time in our day when we stop and thank God for whatever He’s done. Yesterday I had to have a praise party in my van. I was overcome with thankfulness for a friendship that has blossomed into true community. I realized community had been a prayer throughout my marriage and God had answered that prayer. I had to stop and thank God for His goodness. And you know what? It got me kind of jazzed up! I was in a great mood, I was praising the Lord! Can I get an amen?

Psalm 107:1 says, Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever!” Yes it does! He IS good. With all the weird, messed up, terrible junk going on in our world, we need GOOD. We need the goodness that can only come from our Heavenly Father. I listened to a news briefing yesterday morning and I’m pretty sure they said death 20 times in less than five minutes. I needed some good!

King David, now that guy knew how to  have a praise party. In 2 Samuel 6:14 it says, “And David danced before the Lord with all his might.” God had brought the Ark back to Jerusalem and David was praising God for His faithfulness. He was having such a good time, David’s wife even gets mad at him and tells him he’s pretty much acting like an idiot. David tells her, “I will become even more undignified than this, and I will be humiliated in my own eyes”. He didn’t care how he was acting. It wasn’t about her, it wasn’t about him, it was about praising the Lord for ALL He had done.

So today, get a little undignified. Have a praise party. Celebrate even the smallest thing God has done in your life. Dance, be silly, but give all the praise to the one who deserves it. He is good. He loves you. He wants the best for you. Praise him for that!
Thanks for letting me share,

2 thoughts on “Monday Mama Devotional: Praise Party!

  1. Brett Holder

    Good Stuff! Thank you Jessica! You rock!

  2. Samantha T

    Hi Jessica,

    I love your thoughts about God..God is great!

    It is important that we realize goodness of grid and embrace it.


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