Preschool kidminmama 1843 views

Preschool Advent Calendar

It’s Thanksgiving week, and if you are like me, you’re already pulling out the Christmas decorations and writing your Christmas “To-do” list. One thing, I hope is on your list, is a way to keep your family focused on the true reason for Christmas. Advent is a great way to do that, as well as a way to spend quality time as a family in God’s Word. Tomorrow, I’ll share a great calendar for older kiddos, but today, I’m sharing a Preschool ADVENTure using the Jesus Storybook Bible.

Preschool Advent CalendarI call this advent countdown, the “Jesus Storybook Bible ADVENTure” because it begins with the very first story and reads all the way through to the Wise Men arriving to meet Jesus. Your preschooler will see the big picture and reason why Jesus needed to rescue us. There are several great printables out there for reading through the Jesus Storybook Bible for Advent, but I wanted something interactive (and simple) for my girls as we go through each day.
jesus-adventure-printableI hope you will enjoy this Christmas countdown and that your child will learn so much about the true reason for Christmas. If you don’t own a Jesus Storybook Bible, I highly recommend it. Click here to purchase one or the link below.

Printable Resources

Preschool ADVENTure Printable

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