Bible Lesson Preschool kidminmama 3090 views

Preschool Lesson: The Bible Helps Us

Happy Tuesday! If you are in need of a preschool lesson, I’m sharing a great one today! This is a continuation of the last lesson I posted, The Bible is Important, and I’ll share a third lesson that goes along with these two next week. These three lesson are great for helping young children understand that the Bible is a real book of true stories that still help us today. Enjoy!


Welcome children and introduce or remind them of Bible story time rules.

Opening Song

Jesus Wants us to be Friends


Bible Story Transition Song 

It’s time to read our Bible, it’s time to read our Bible, it’s time to read our Bible to see what God’s Word says.

Bible Story  (2 Kings 22:1-20; 23:1-3)

Visual: Bible & Scroll

  • Last week, we talked about how the Bible is an important book. Today, we are going to learn how it helps us.
  • But first I have a question: Has your room ever been really messy? Maybe you even looked for a special toy and couldn’t find it? Well I have a story from the Bible that talks about a church that was really messy and dirty! In fact, the church even had things inside of it that were broken. People were not caring very well for their church.
  • But there was a king named Josiah who told some workers it was time to clean up the church. So they started cleaning it up—if your mom or dad has ever told you to clean up your room or toys, touch your nose. Well as the workers were cleaning stuff up they found a scroll. A scroll, is like a long roll of paper, like this (show scroll visual).
  • When they found the scroll they brought it to King Josiah. They realized the scroll was a Bible Scroll that had been missing. Josiah knew that it was an important book, just like we learned last week, and he read all the words on the scroll to the people. Then they remembered what God wanted them to do. The people were so glad to hear the words of the Bible, they promised to do what God said.
  • Sometimes we forget that God tells us what to do in His word, the Bible. And those words can help us. They can make us happy when we are sad or remind us of how to treat our friends. The Bible tells us what God wants us to do. That’s what we’ve learned today: The Bible tells us what God wants us to do.
  • Now, do we stick the Bible up to our ear and try to hear it tell us what to do? NO! We have to read it and learn about the stories. At home you can ask your mommy or daddy, or grandpa or grandma to read you the Bible so you can know what God wants you to do.
  • Now what did we learn? The Bible tells us what God wants us to do.

Scroll Visual Instructions: You can make simple scrolls by rolling up the ends of construction paper or using paper towel tubes. Check out this tutorial HERE.

Closing songs

The B-I-B-L-E:

I’m Gonna Walk:

Story Reinforcers

Scroll Snack Supplies: Pretzel Sticks, Fruit by the Foot

Bible Fun for Kids’ blog shared this super cute and super easy scroll snack, using two pretzel sticks and a Fruit by the Foot. The kids could put these together, though I would cut the fruit tape beforehand. They could even take a third pretzel stick to “write” on the scroll.

Hide the Scroll Game Supplies: Scroll

Using the scroll from the Bible story, allow children to take turns “hiding” the scroll. Have children sit in a circle with their eyes closed while one child (or teacher) hides the scroll.  Then have all children look for the scroll. When the scroll is found have everyone cheer or celebrate. Then repeat the game again.

Dramatic Play:

Supplies: crown, robe, lots of clothes/toys in a bin, scroll

Provide the above mentioned supplies and have children reenact the story of the lost scroll. One child can pretend to be King Josiah, while everyone else “cleans up” the mess (clothes/toys) and finds the scroll.

For other story reinforcers check out the lesson on “The Bible is an Important Book” (LINK).

Printable Resources

The Bible Helps Us Printable Lesson

Thanks for letting me share,

1 Comment

  1. Erica Robbins

    This will be a fun lesson! We’re starting part one of this lesson this Sunday and then the second part of this series on the next Sunday. I’m excited already! Thank you for putting this lesson together!

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