Monday Mama Devotional kidminmama 931 views

Monday Mama Devotional: Spiritual Thanksgiving


I love Thanksgiving. It’s a pretty pressureless holiday. No one judges your “Thanksgiving decorations” and there are no Thanksgiving “gifts” to buy. I cook the things I love to cook and everyone pitches in. We enjoy one another’s company and shout at the TV while watching the Cowboys play. We’re happy, grateful and well-fed.

As I think about how full I’ll feel on Thursday, I was reminded of Psalm 63:5-8 (I recommend reading the whole passage here).

5 “My soul will be satisfied as with fat and rich food,
   and my mouth will praise you with joyful lips,
6 when I remember you upon my bed,
   and meditate on you in the watches of the night;
7 for you have been my help,
   and in the shadow of your wings I will sing for joy.
8 My soul clings to you;
   your right hand upholds me.”

Those verses are like a spiritual Thanksgiving. That feeling of fullness from our dinner on Thursday should be the way we feel with Jesus. Our soul shouldn’t need anything else, they should be so full they’re overflowing and our mouths are shouting His praise.

On Saturday night, my husband and I were able to lead worship for 600 students at a local church’s Disciple Now. All their voices lifted up in praise to our God was incredible. It was hard to not get emotional with the power and joy as they sang, “O come to the altar, the Father’s arms are open wide”. When was the last time you rested in His arms? When was the last time you were held in the shadow of His wings? Our souls need, no, they were designed to cling to Him. And we don’t let them. We’re too busy and we’re too tired. All the while, He is just begging us to rest in Him. To be held and to know that all we need, He is offering.


When you are resting and enjoying your full stomachs on Thursday, think about how full your soul is in Christ. Praise Him for that. Be thankful for that. Be reminded that true Thanksgiving is resting in the goodness that is Jesus Christ.

Thanks for letting me share,


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