Elementary Games kidminmama 4415 views

The Best Crazy Games for Kids

Last week I shared all the fun we had at Kids Summer Bash and promised to share the great games we played during that week! I’m here to follow through on that promise! I know finding good, engaging games can be an annoying kidmin challenge, so hopefully this post will come in handy for your future game planning needs!

All the games we did at KSB were a part of a competition we called “Pastors vs Kids”. The challenge was finding games adults and kids could equally compete at. These games were pretty fair for each team as well as pretty funny. The kids ended up winning most of the challenges, which they LOVED, of course. I’ll share the game name, how we did it and any tips I have on how to make things go smoother below. Also, please feel free to download to use the game slides as well!

Trike Relay

This is a SUPER easy game and one that we did two years in a row since the kids think it’s hilarious. You basically get a couple of tricycles and race! We did this race relay style with each team racing three legs. The kids loved watching the pastors race on a tiny trike! You could spice this game up by adding obstacles or having them do another task while riding. Materials: Tricycles

Egg Head

This is my all-time favorite crazy game. You take a dozen eggs and boil half of them, then you mix the raw & boiled eggs up in a carton.We played where each person chose an egg (without touching it) and the opposing team smashed their chosen egg on their head. Boiled eggs were worth one point, raw eggs were worth zero.  Then we switched and the egg smashers became the “smashees”. The pastors luckily won this game with only choosing one raw egg. You can play this game another way by asking trivia questions and a wrong answer ends up with an egg on your head.

Tips: Make sure when choosing volunteers they are 100% okay getting messy! We didn’t want a kid crying about having egg in their hair.

Materials: Drop cloth, ponchos, eggs

Cereal Face

Looking back I would have done this game a little bit different. The basic idea is to have one person be the “bowl” by having their face covered in shaving cream. Their teammates then throw cereal on their face, trying to get the most cereal to stick. This game went pretty good, but looking back I would have added another level to the game by having kids launch the cereal with a spoon. Also our shaving cream was really, really runny which didn’t help when applying it.  

Tips: Have leaders ready to apply shaving cream and help kids clean up after. I was trying to give instructions and do it all myself, which made the game go longer.

Materials: Drop cloth, ponchos, goggles, shaving cream, cereal, cups, spoons, paper towels

Ice Cream Sundae Mouth

This game is hilarious to watch. One person gets to be the “cone”. They lay on the floor, holding an ice cream cone in their mouth (wearing a poncho & goggles of course). Their teammate stands above them on a chair dropping “ice cream” (mini marshmallows) into the cone, then adding whip cream, chocolate syrup and sprinkles. The team that makes the best ice cream cone wins! This game can be played in several pairs or just a two teams. Our pastors got crazy on this game, which made the kids love it more.

Tips: Definitely use a drop cloth! It made things so much easier! If you have capabilities to video it live and project on a screen, do it! It can be hard to see if it’s a large group watching.

Materials: Drop cloth, ponchos, goggles, ice cream cones, mini marshmallows, whip cream, sprinkles, chocolate syrup, paper towels, cups


Bonus Game: Human Bop It

We did a couple of fun starters for our large group each night to help build the energy. One that we’ll use again and again was the “Human Bop It”. Kids try to keep up with the video’s commands just like the norma bop it game. Our kids loved it and were definitely into it! It’s a bit pricey ($19.99) if you’ll only use it once, but it’s worth the investment if you plan to use it several times a year. You can purchase and download it here.  (BTW, this is my personal opinion, I have no connection to AEFFECT Resources).

I hope this post comes in handy for you in the future! We really had a blast with the games this year and they were fairly cheap. I purchased pretty much everything from the Dollar Tree. Again, feel free to download my graphics and use them for your group AND let me know if you have any questions on these games. Be sure to read my original KSB post here if you missed it!

Thanks for letting me share,

1 Comment

  1. Mary Ann

    Thanks this looks like fun! I can’t use the link to the Human Bop It game and putting Aeffect in the search did not seem to bring it up. Can you give me the email or full link?

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