Bible Lesson Preschool kidminmama 3484 views

Preschool Lesson: The Bible tells us about Jesus

I’m sharing one last lesson on “The Bible” series for preschoolers. This helps children, even at a young age, understand the importance and truth that comes from the Bible. Please check out the other two lessons “The Bible is Important” and “The Bible Helps Us”. If you have used any of the lessons, let me know and please share any additional ideas you have.


Welcome children and introduce or remind them of Bible story time rules.

Opening Song

Jesus Wants us to be Friends:


Bible Story Transition Song

It’s time to read our Bible, it’s time to read our Bible, it’s time to read our Bible to see what God’s Word says.

Bible Story (Acts 8:4-8; 26-40)

(This lesson does use a puppet assistant) 

Teacher: Last time we talked about how the Bible tells us what God wants us to do. Today we are going to learn that the Bible tells us about Jesus.

Puppet: I love the Bible and I love Jesus!

Teacher: Hi (Puppet’s Name)! We haven’t seen you in a while! We’re so glad you are here today!

Puppet: Hi Friends! I’m excited to be here. I love learning about the Bible with you!

Teacher: Well you are just in time for our story.  This story is about two people: Philip and a man from Ethiopia.

Puppet: Ethiopia? What’s that?

Teacher: It’s a country in Africa. We just learned about countries all over the world. Ethiopia is one of them.

Puppet: Wow! I’ve never been to Africa. Is it far away?

Teacher: Yes! You’d have to be on a plane a very, very long time to get there. One day Phillip was walking down the road. As he walked he came upon a man sitting in a cart, reading the Bible. Phillip could have kept on walking, but he stopped and asked the man about what he was reading. The Ethiopian man didn’t understand all that he had read. He asked Phillip for help.

Puppet: Sometimes I need help reading and understanding the Bible too. Things can be confusing, so I ask teachers for help.

Teacher: That’s great! Phillip was a teacher of the Bible so he could help the man. Phillip helped the man understand what the Bible was saying. Phillip  even told the man about Jesus. He told him how he was God’s son and came to earth to save people from their sins so they could be in Heaven with God.

Puppet: I’m sure the man was so happy to hear about Jesus!

Teacher: Yes he was! The Ethiopian man decided to follow Jesus! He understood that the Bible was telling him about Jesus. Just like the Bible tells us about Jesus.  The Bible tells us about when Jesus was born, when he was a man and did miracles, how he taught people, and loved others.  

Puppet: That’s why I love the Bible; it tells us all about Jesus! And Jesus is my favorite!

Teacher: That’s exactly right! Today we learned that the Bible tell us about Jesus! Let’s say it all together. The Bible tells us about Jesus. And because the Bible tells  us about Jesus we should be like Phillip in our story and tell others about  Jesus.

Puppet: I’m going to tell people about Jesus right now! Goodbye everybody!

Teacher: Bye (Puppet’s Name)! Let’s pray!

Closing songs

The B-I-B-L-E:

I’m Gonna Walk:

Story Reinforcers

Dramatic Play: There are a couple of options for dramatic play, but I encourage providing at least one so children can reenact the story in some capacity.

Option 1: Two chairs, rope and a table turned to the side, makes for a chariot or cart and allows children to process and replay the story they learned.

Option 2: Small music stand/podium with a Bible and a row of chairs. This allows children to be Bible teachers and process the story they just heard.

Pass the Bible Game: This game is similar to hot potato, but no one is ever “out”. Have children pass a Bible around a circle. Chant “The Bible tell us about Jesus, I should tell people about Jesus”. When the chant ends, the child it ends on has to say “Jesus loves you and Jesus loves me”. Then start the game again.

Missionary Map: Provide a map and place picture of missionaries on the map in different countries. Help children see that people all over the world are telling people about Jesus. Encourage children to write a card or draw a picture for these missionaries.

For other story reinforcers check out the lesson on “The Bible is Important ” and “The Bible Helps Us”.

Printable Resources:

The Bible tells us about Jesus Printable Lesson

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