Bible Lesson Preschool kidminmama 4788 views

I Can Help Others: The Good Samaritan

It’s Preschool Tuesday! I’m sharing one of my favorite lessons, The Good Samaritan. I loved teaching this lesson in chapel with my preschoolers. They were always so concerned when I hurt my toe (see the lesson below for how that happens). This past week Hope’s chapel teacher used my lesson and Hope prayed for her that night because she was so concerned for her sweet teacher! I hope you enjoy this lesson and activities. (this post contains affiliate links)



Welcome children and introduce or remind them of Bible story time rules.

Opening Song

Jesus Wants us to be Friends


Bible Story Transition Song

It’s time to read our Bible, it’s time to read our Bible, it’s time to read our Bible to see what God’s Word says.

Bible Story (Luke 10:25-37)

This story requires a teacher and a helper to tell the story. You’ll need an ice bag or pack as well. 

Teacher: Last week, we talked about helping our families. If you helped your family this week raise your hand (ask two or three children how they helped). Today we are going to learn that we can help others around us, but first… (pretend to stub your toe) ouch! ouch! Oh no, that hurt so bad!! (sit down)

Helper: Are you okay? What happened?

Teacher: Oh, I tripped and stubbed my toe! It hurts really bad!!

Helper: Let me help you! You keep teaching our friends and I’ll get you a bag of ice.

Teacher: Thank you! That would help my toe a lot. (Helper leaves) Wow, that was so nice of (helper’s name) to help me since I stubbed my toe! It reminds me of a story from the Bible. What are the two parts to the Bible? The Old Testament and the New Testament. This is from the book of Luke, which is in the New Testament.

There was once a man who was going on a walk and got hurt. One man walked by, but didn’t want to help; another man walked by and saw him, and didn’t care to help him either! Finally, a third man came along, a Samaritan man from a different country, he saw the man and took care of him.  He fixed up where he was hurt and paid for him to see a doctor. The Samaritan man wasn’t even his friend and he took care of the hurt man in the story. Wow! What a nice thing to do. (Helper comes in with some ice)

Helper: Here you go!

Teacher: Thank you so much! I was just telling all my friends the story of the Good Samaritan. Even if you weren’t my friend, would you help me?

Helper: Yes! I would help you even if you weren’t my friend.

Teacher: Why?

Helper: Because that’s what God wants us to do. He wants us to love and take care of others. Just like the Samaritan man did in the story.

Teacher: Friends, I think you can help other people too! When our friends fall down, or are sad, you can help them.  You can tell an adult or try to cheer them up. Put your finger on your nose and think of ways you can help others…Now tell someone sitting next to you how you can help others. That’s also what we learned today: I can help others. Say it again: I can help others. Let’s pray!

Closing song

Love one Another Lullaby

Being Kind to Each Other Song (this isn’t a worship song, but it is a song about kindness to one another)

Story Reinforcers

Hope's hands

Helping Hands Mural: Using paint or large stamp pad, children will add their handprint to a mural. After it dries, children will tell the teacher one way they can help someone. At the end of class time, they can read over all the children’s answers.

This idea came from the Cows Go Moo & Ducks Go Quack BlogSince I don’t have a whole classroom of kiddos at my disposal, Hope made several handprints on a small piece of paper and then we talked about ways to help others. We are a big fan of Crayola Washable Kid’s Paint, it washes off so easy!

good samaritan dramatic play

Dramatic Play: Provide children with pretend doctor’s items: bandages, cotton balls and bandage wraps. Children will be able to act out the story of the Good Samaritan. You can also provide dolls for the children to care for as well.

Hope loved this activity! In fact, we played this game all afternoon! I kept finding bandaids on babies and she’d take them to her room to “rest”. Eventually my husband and I became patients as well. Ikea sells great bandaids for super cheap, you can get them here.

good samaritan sensory

Sensory Bin: Provide a sensory base, foam hands, foam or bead hearts, peg people with happy/sad faces, and pompoms to allow children to help open a discussion on kindness and helping others.

I cut the foam hands out myself, if you can’t tell ;). I wanted to buy these, but they didn’t have them at Michael’s. You can get the bead hearts, here and pompoms, here, though I got both at Dollar Tree. I also love these tweezers for bins.

good samaritan playdough

Play Dough: Provide hearts, people, and hand cookie cutters with play dough to reinforce the concepts of the story.

Hope always enjoys the play dough activities. We make sure to talk about why we have those specific cookie cutters out and how it relates to the story. You can get similar cookie cutters through these links: Hearts, people, and hands.

Printable Lesson

Printable Good Samaritan Lesson

Thanks for letting me share,


2 thoughts on “I Can Help Others: The Good Samaritan

  1. Charity

    The Good Samaritan is the lesson for my toddler class this Sunday. I was struggling for ideas to extend the lesson. Your ideas saved the day. They are great. Thanks!

    1. kidminmama

      Yay! So happy it helped!

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