Bible Lesson Elementary kidminmama 9543 views

Who is Jesus: Friend

I’m finally back today with the third lesson in the “Who is Jesus?” series. This lesson focuses on Jesus as our Friend. Children will investigate and understand through several Gospel stories how Jesus was a friend to others and how we can be a friend too. I hope you enjoy this lesson and as always, there are free printable copies at the bottom of this post. (post contains affiliate links).

Welcome Question

“What makes someone a good friend?”


Hi everyone! We are into our third week of our series called “Who is Jesus?” For the past two weeks, we’ve all become detectives investigating who Jesus really is. Our first case was learning about Jesus as a healer and last week we learned about Jesus as teacher. Does anyone know what we’ll learn about Jesus this week? Our welcome question asked, ““What makes someone a good friend?” Let’s go over your answers now. (go over answers written)

If you haven’t guessed it already, today we’ll be learning about Jesus as our FRIEND. Jesus was the greatest example of a friend we could ever have. Let’s open our case files and see what we can discover about Jesus being a friend.

Large Group Lesson

This is Case #197, the Friend. I have four witness accounts of Jesus being a Friend. Today, we’re going to divide into four groups and go over our evidence. It’s your job to ask the tough questions: Who? Why? When? And then report your findings to the group. This might involve you getting a little creative. Are you up to the challenge?

Jesus’ Friendship Case Studies

Pass out manila folders marked “evidence” for each grade. Each small group will use their file to study scripture related to Jesus’ friendships.  Give the groups time to complete their study, then bring them back for a long group recap. (if time permits, they will complete their Bible challenge at the end).

  • K-1: Friend to Children, Luke 18:15-17
  • 1-2: Friend to a Tax Collector, Luke 19:1-10
  • 3rd: Friend to a Woman, John 4:1-15
  • 4th: Friend to a Dead Man, John 11: 1-16, 28-44

Friend Case Studies

Recap Discussion

Allow each group to come together and share the findings from their investigations, then wrap-up the lesson.

Today, we learned a lot about who Jesus is: a friend. Jesus taught us the most important part about being a friend: LOVE. In each of our stories, we see that Jesus loved the person He was friends with. Jesus also offered them something: Life. He loved them so much that He came to earth to give His own life, so they could have eternal LIFE with God forever. John 10:10 says, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”  The last part of Jesus friendship was that He was a friend to ALL: sinners, tax collectors, women and children; everyone! Jesus came to love and give life to everyone.

So how do we become a friend like Jesus? Jesus tells us in John 15:14, “You are my friends if you do what I command you.” The first thing we need to be a good friend is obey the ultimate friend, Jesus. He showed us HOW to be a friend and we need to follow His example: Love others and tell them about Jesus. The greatest gift we can give our others, is telling them that Jesus loves them and came to earth to die on a cross for them, so they could be in Heaven with God forever. What’s a better gift than that!?


It looks like we’ve learned a lot about Jesus as a friend. Our investigation of “Who is Jesus?” will continue next week. I hope to see all of you super sleuths here to help carry out our mission. Let’s pray.

If time remains, dismiss back to small groups for Bible Challenge. If no time remains, pass out verse cards.


Bible Challenge

(Bible Challenge will only be completed if time remains after large group recap)

This week’s Memory Verse:  “You are my friends if you do what I command you.” John 15:14

Last week’s verse: “Jesus answered them, “My teaching is not mine, but his who sent me.”  John 7:16

Go over this week’s verse. Say it together a few times. Then transition into the Bible Challenge activity.

Match that Memory Verse!

Supplies: Memory Verse Match Cards

Each small group will have a set of verse cards. There are two cards per word in the memory verse. Lay all cards face down and spread out. Each child will take turns flipping over two cards to make a match. If they don’t match, turn the cards back over and move to the next child. When they get a match, put the cards to the side. At the end of the game, after all cards have been matched, put the verse in the correct order.

Prayer: Ask children if they have any prayer needs and then close in prayer.

Printable Resources

Printable Who is Jesus Friend 

John 5-14 Match Cards

Thanks for letting me share,

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