Bible Lesson Elementary kidminmama 3613 views

Who is Jesus: Rescuer

It’s the final teaching week of the “Who is Jesus” series (you can find the other lessons HERE). In this lesson, children will investigate Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection. They will also understand that Jesus is the ONLY way to heaven and eternity with God. Next week, I’ll share the final part of the series, a review lesson with some great games and activities! As always, a printable copy of this lesson will be provided at the end of this post.

Welcome Question

“What was the most important thing Jesus did?”


Hi everyone! We are into our last teaching week of our “Who is Jesus?” series. For the past few weeks, we’ve all become detectives investigating who Jesus really is.  We’ve learned about Jesus as Healer, Teacher, Friend and God’s Son. This week, we’ll hear about another important part, maybe the most important thing Jesus did on earth. That’s what our welcome question asked, “What was the most important thing Jesus did?” Let’s go over your answers now. (go over answers written) There were a lot of good answers, but the most important thing Jesus did was die on the cross for our sins. This was his whole mission, to seek and save the Lost. He came to save us, to be our Rescuer.

Large Group Lesson

This is Case #316, the Rescuer. I have four witness accounts of what Jesus did to be our Savior. Today, we’re going to divide into four groups and go over our evidence. It’s your job to ask the tough questions: Who? Why? When? And then report your findings to the group. This might involve you getting a little creative. Are you up to the challenge?

Jesus’ Crucifixion Case Studies

Pass out manila folders marked “evidence” for each grade. Each small group will use their file to study scripture related to Jesus’ teachings.  Give the groups time to complete their study, then bring them back for a long group recap. (if time permits, they will complete their Bible challenge at the end).

  • K-1: The Way, The Truth, & The Life, John 14:1-7
  • 1-2: The Trial, John 18:33-40
  • 3rd: The Resurrection, John 20:1-18
  • 4th: The Death & Burial, Matthew 27:45-61

Rescuer Case Studies

Recap Discussion:

Allow each group to come together and share the findings from their investigations, then wrap-up the lesson. Have the kids recap their findings in the correct chronological order.

Today, we learned a lot about who Jesus is: our Rescuer. Jesus’ whole mission was like Luke 19:10 says, “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” He came to rescue us, to be a sacrifice for the sins of the world. His life, death, burial and resurrection was all about saving you and saving your relationship with God so you could be in Heaven with Him. Galatians 1:4 says, “Jesus gave himself for our sins to free us from this evil world we live in. This is what God the Father wanted.”

Jesus is the ONLY way to heaven. You can’t be super good or amazing, nothing is good enough to save you unless you make Jesus your Savior. We needed to be rescued and Jesus came to do just that. John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life”. Jesus loves you so much. God loves you so much that He’d give us His own son to save you. That’s a lot of love. If you feel that you’re ready to make Jesus your Rescuer and Savior, talk to a leader or pastor today.


You guys have been great investigators over the past few weeks! Next week, we’ll review and play some games to show off everything you’ve learned in the “Who is Jesus” series. I hope to see all of you super sleuths here! Let’s pray.

If time remains, dismiss back to small groups for Bible Challenge. If no time remains, pass out verse cards.

Bible Challenge

Bible Challenge will only be completed if time remains after large group recap

This week’s Memory Verse: “Jesus gave himself for our sins to free us from this evil world we live in. This is what God the Father wanted.” Galatians 1:4

Last week’s verse: True love is God’s love for us, not our love for God. God sent his Son to die in our place to take away our sins.” 1 John 4:10

Go over this week’s verse. Say it together a few times. Then transition into the Bible Challenge activity.

Draw it out! Supplies: Markers, Paper 

Give each child a sheet of blank paper. Have them write the memory verse on the page. Then, allow them to draw out what the verse describes. Talk about the importance of Jesus coming to Rescue us from Sin.

Prayer: Ask children if they have any prayer needs and then close in prayer.

Printable Resources

Printable Who is Jesus Rescuer Lesson

Rescuer Case Studies

Thanks for letting me share,

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