Bible Lesson Elementary kidminmama 2158 views

Who is Jesus: Review Week

Easter has been a busy season, but I still wanted to wrap up the last week of the “Who is Jesus?” Series. This week is actually a review week, helping children pull together everything they learned about Jesus in the previous weeks. We had fun with all the review games and it really challenged our kiddos. All printable materials will be at the bottom of this post.

Welcome Question

“What are the five characteristics of Jesus we learned about?”


Good Morning friends! Today, we are wrapping up our “Who is Jesus?” series with a review game day! For the past few weeks, we’ve all become detectives investigating who Jesus really is. Our welcome question asked, “ What are the five characteristics of Jesus we learned about?”. Let’s go over your answers now. (go over answers written) Over the past five weeks, we’ve learned about Jesus as Healer, Teacher, Friend, God’s Son and Rescuer. Today, we are going to see what else you can remember and play a few games along the way!

There are three missions below (the fourth mission is Bible Challenge Time if time permits). These games will work best if kids are in four groups, mixed ages. Allow fourth graders to be team captains. Each mission will be in an envelope. Allow kids to help open up and reveal the mission.

Mission #1 Clue Case Caper

For our first mission, we will see how well you can piece together the clues and solve the Clue Case Caper. Three photo clues will be on the screen. You must decide which witness account and case it belongs. A list of cases will be given to your adult leader if you need assistance solving the clues. I will show the slide and then you have one minute to decide which story it matches and write it on the whiteboard. Keep your answers quiet. We will all reveal at one time. The group that solves the most, wins. (ask adults to help keep score).

Mission #1 Recap

This mission is now complete and you understand more about the Bible. It’s important that we always look in God’s Word to uncover the truth of who Jesus is. It’s great to hear what a teacher or preacher says, but we ALWAYS need to know that it comes from God’s Word, written in the Bible. That’s how we really learn more about who Jesus is.

Mission #2: Jesus Decoded (each group will have an envelope/folder)

For our second mission, we will see if you can identify who Jesus is by the action or story listed on the clue sheet. Complete all the blanks and then check your answers by using the codex given by your leader. The first group to correctly write and check their answers wins.

Mission #2 Recap

This mission is complete and now you remember and understand the five characteristics of who Jesus is. Jesus is a Healer, Teacher, Friend, God’s Son and, most importantly, our Rescuer. He would have been a pretty cool dude with the first four parts, but his goal and job was to come to earth to save us from our sins. Jesus saves and loves ALL sinners and that’s why He sacrificed himself on the cross. God didn’t make Him do it, He did it because He loved us.

Mission #3: Memory Verse Match-Up (each group will have an envelope/folder)

For our third mission, we will see how well you can remember our weekly memory verses and which lesson they came from.  Each team will be given a sheet with each “characteristic” of Jesus we learned about. One team member at a time will run to your detective case and pull a memory verse. You must match the first verse before returning to get another verse. The first group to correctly match all five memory verses wins.

Mission #3 Recap

This mission is complete and now you remember all the memory verses we’ve learned the past few weeks. It is so important that we hide God’s word in our hearts and by memorizing scripture we can do that. These verses help tell us who Jesus is and if we ever forget that, we’ll have these verses memorized to remind us. God’s Word is so powerful and it’s important that we read, memorize and meditate on it.


You guys have been great investigators over the past few weeks! I’m very proud of all you’ve learned about the person of Jesus Christ. Jesus is the most incredible person in history and lived a perfect life glorifying God. The most important thing I want you to remember is that He loves you, He died for you and He is always for you. Let’s work hard to be like Him! Let’s pray.

If time remains, dismiss back to small groups for Bible Challenge. If no time remains, pass out verse cards.

MISSION #4 Bible Challenge

Bible Challenge will only be completed if time remains after large group recap

This week’s Memory Verse: If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and if you believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from death, then you will be saved.” Romans 10:9

Last week’s verse: “Jesus gave himself for our sins to free us from this evil world we live in. This is what God the Father wanted.” Galatians 1:4

Go over last week’s verse. Do not reveal this week’s verse. Enter into Mission #4 Bible Challenge

Supplies: Bible verse card, mirror (Keep the mirror Hidden)

Give each child a Bible verse card. Ask them if they notice anything strange (the writing is backward). Say, “This is our last mystery to solve, how can we read what the card says?” If anyone suggests a mirror, pull it out. Have kids take turns looking in the mirror and reading their verse card.

Prayer: Ask children if they have any prayer needs and then close in prayer.

Printable Resources

Thanks for letting me share,

2 thoughts on “Who is Jesus: Review Week

  1. Megan West

    Hi Jessica,
    We had so much fun in our multi age class from age 5 to 4th graders going through the ‘evidence’ to find Who Jesus is each week. I have one more week to teach and then we’ll have a party with dress up clothes for the review. I praise God for your sharing these materials!

    1. kidminmama

      This is one of my FAVORITE series! It’s so engaging and the kids have to get hands on in the Bible. Thanks for letting me know you used it!

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