Bible Lesson Elementary kidminmama 12064 views

Who is Jesus: Son of God

Happy Wednesday! I’m happy to share with you today the fourth lesson in the “Who is Jesus?” series. Today’s lesson, focuses on Jesus as God’s Son through the miracles he performed. Children will investigate and learn that Jesus’ power came through being the son of God. A full printable version of this lesson is available at the end of this post.

Welcome Question

“How did people know Jesus was God’s Son?”


Hi everyone! We are into our fourth week of our “Who is Jesus?” series. For the past few weeks, we’ve all become detectives investigating who Jesus really is.  We’ve learned about Jesus as Healer, Teacher and friend. This week, we’ll hear about another important part of Jesus’ life: God’s son. Our welcome question asked, ““How did people know Jesus was God’s Son?” Let’s go over your answers now. (go over answers written) There were a lot of good answers, but one way people knew Jesus was God’s son was by the miracles Jesus did. It showed others that He had power that could only be from God.  Let’s open up our case files and see what we can discover about these miracles and Jesus being God’s son.

Large Group Lesson

This is Case #475, the Son of God. I have four witness accounts of Jesus performing miracles and demonstrating He is God’s son. Today, we’re going to divide into four groups and go over our evidence. It’s your job to ask the tough questions: Who? Why? When? And then report your findings to the group. This might involve you getting a little creative. Are you up to the challenge?

Jesus’ Miracles Case Studies

Pass out manila folders marked “evidence” for each grade. Each small group will use their file to study scripture related to Jesus’ teachings.  Give the groups time to complete their study, then bring them back for a large group recap. (if time permits, they will complete their Bible challenge at the end).

  • K-1: The Storm, Mark 4:35-41
  • 1-2: The Big Meal, John 6:5-13
  • 3rd: The Walk, Matthew 14:22-33
  • 4th: The Demons, Matthew 8:28-34

Gods Son Case Studies

Recap Discussion

Allow each group to come together and share the findings from their investigations, then wrap-up the lesson.

Today, we learned a lot about who Jesus is: God’s Son. Jesus showed us that He was God’s son and had His Father’s power by healing physical illness, raising from the dead, feeding the 5000, and even forgiving people’s sins! These are things we haven’t just seen today, but from the past few weeks of our investigation. Jesus could do incredible things because He came from an incredible dad, God!

You know, as children we get all our “genes” from our parents. Jesus had genes from His Father too, His power. It was easy to see from Jesus’ actions that His power was from something greater than His earthly parents. It was from God. It helped people to see and believe that Jesus was truly God’s Son, sent to save the world. As 1 John 4:10 says, True love is God’s love for us, not our love for God. God sent his Son to die in our place to take away our sins.”

Think about this, if Jesus had no special powers and just went around telling people He was the “Son of God”, do you think people would have believed him? Probably not. A lot of people, false prophets, had tried to do the same thing. Jesus was the real deal, God’s own son. How cool is that!?


Jesus said in John 14:10, “Don’t you believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me? The words I say to you I do not speak on my own authority. Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing his work.” Jesus was God’s son, doing God’s work. Next week, we’ll learn more about the specific job Jesus came to do. I hope to see all of you super sleuths here to help carry out our mission. Let’s pray.

If time remains, dismiss back to small groups for Bible Challenge. If no time remains, pass out verse cards.

Bible Challenge

Bible Challenge will only be completed if time remains after large group recap.

This week’s Memory Verse:  True love is God’s love for us, not our love for God. God sent his Son to die in our place to take away our sins.” 1 John 4:10

Last week’s verse: “You are my friends if you do what I command you.” John 15:14

Go over this week’s verse. Say it together a few times. Then transition into the Bible Challenge activity.

WhiteBoard Wipe Out, Supplies: Dry erase markers and whiteboards

Write the memory verse on the whiteboard. Practice saying it together. Then erase one word. Say it again. Erase another word. Say it together again. Keep erasing words until the children have memorized the verse. For older groups, have a boys against girls challenge for verse memorization.

Prayer: Ask children if they have any prayer needs and then close in prayer.

Printable Resources

Printable Who is Jesus Gods Son

Thanks for letting me share,

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