Elementary Games kidminmama 6781 views

52 Super Fun Kidmin Games

One of the biggest needs in kid’s ministry are games! I don’t know about your ministry, but each week I need games to get my kidmin kiddos out of their seats and active. The hard part is finding new games as well as remembering the ones you’ve already done. A few years ago I started a spreadsheet of all the games we’ve played (and liked). On this list, I’ve included supplies, instructions and the number of players needed for each game. There are 52 games in all, so you can use one for EVERY Sunday of the year.

These games are not all my personal creations, as they have been gathered from various websites and curriculums over the years. You are free to use the list I’ve developed and I encourage you to add your own. If you have a game your kids love to play, add it below in the comments. I’d love to grow my list because we all know, you can never have too many games in kids ministry! 

  1. Knobby Knees (6-8 players): This is a relay game and you will only need a balloon (previously blown up) for each team. Simply have them clamp the balloon between their knees, run/waddle to the finish line, and race back to tag the next person on their team. First team to finish wins.
  2. Heads or Tails (all kids): Have kids choose heads or tails. Heads: hands on on head. Tails: hands on your bottom. The leader flips a coin. Whatever the coin lands on, the kids with that position get to stay in, others have to sit. Kids can change positions between each toss. Keep playing until there is only one winner.
  3. Marshmallow Launcher (4-6 players): Have two teams, one catcher per team and the other players “launchers”. Using plastic spoons the kids launch the marshmallows and the catcher tries to catch them in a bowl. The most marshmallows in 60 seconds wins
  4. Penny Hose (2 players): Drop a penny into each leg of a pair of leggings/panty hose. Players then race to retrieve their penny, from the bottom of their leg of hose. The player who gets their penny first, wins.
  5. Reverse Charades (all kids): Choose two children to be the guessers. Behind them (on a screen or white board), display a person/place/thing the large group has to act out using just motions, no sounds. The guessing children (with backs to the board) guess what the kids are acting out. For each correct guess they get a point. The person with the most number of points wins.

Thanks for letting me share,

1 Comment

  1. lynne richmond

    thanks so much for the great list of games….. i will definitely use your resource when we finally have sunday school again!

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