Armor of God Bible Lesson Elementary kidminmama 5450 views

Armor of God: Review Lesson

Happy Wednesday! It’s the final installment of the Armor of God Series today. This is a review lesson which wraps up the series nicely. Kids will make construction paper armor, match memory verses and then be quizzed on what they’ve learned. I don’t know about our kidmin kiddos, but ours love review day! We have fun, they show off what they’ve learned and it’s all hands-on. This lesson contains a brief small group (since the large group time is lengthy) and there is no printable verse card. I do include a couple of printables for the memory verse game at the bottom of the post.

armor-of-god-review-lesssonWelcome Question

“What was your favorite piece of armor from the Armor of God study?”

Recap from Last Week

Last week we talked about the Sword of the Spirit, which is God’s Word and how important it is to learn about and study the Bible. We also learned that even though it was written thousands of years ago, it is still relevant and can be applied to us today.

Large Group Lesson

This week we’re going to review all we learned about the Armor of God! Our welcome question asked, “What was your favorite piece of armor from the Armor of God study?” Let’s go over your answers (review answers and make sure to go over every piece).

Today we’re going to test how well you know all the pieces of Armor and what they represent. Do you think you’re up for the Armor of God Review Challenge!? First, we’re going to break you up into small groups, but not your normal small groups. We need 4th graders to be leaders and then we’ll mix the other grades up as well.

Divide students into groups, start with 4th grade and then spread the other ages out between the groups. Have the 4th graders be the team captains and help lead during the games.

Construction Paper Armor

The first activity we’re going to do today is to make and label the Armor of God. Choose one person to be your soldier then using the construction paper, tape, and markers provided, make your armor and label what each piece is. The only piece we’re giving you is the “Shield of Faith”. Everything else you have to make on your own. You can’t ask your leader what each piece is, but you can look at Ephesians 6 if you need to. Try your best to do it from memory.

armor of God construction

Give the groups 10-15 minutes to complete this activity. When they are done, have each “soldier” come up and a team captain to help explain their Armor.

Note: This activity might work better if you have access to butcher paper. Since we don’t have that resource we used construction paper instead. Also, watch the time, this activity could take up your whole large group time if you’re not careful.

Memory Verse Match-Up

Each group will have a soldier dressed in armor on a handout. There will be several blanks attached to the armor where all the verses will match from the series. Using several bags, verses will be mixed together and there will be some verses we did not cover. Kids must choose the right verses and match them to the correct piece of armor. The first group to complete the challenge wins, but wait for all groups to finish to go over the answers.

Memory Verse Game

Now it’s time for our second activity in our Armor of God Review Challenge. We’ve learned seven memory verses in this series. It’s your job to race the other groups and match ALL the verses to the soldier. There are several bags in the middle of the room. One person can run, grab a verse, and bring it back to the group. There might be a few verses we didn’t study in there, so be careful to grab the right one! We’ll review all the verses when you are finished.

Do you know your Armor Game?

The third and final activity in our Review Challenge is, “Do you know your Armor?”. Each group will get a handheld whiteboard. I’ll ask a question and you have a few seconds to talk to your group about the answer, then write the answer on the board. I’ll ask everyone to hold up their boards at the same time and we’ll check your answers. I’ll keep score as we go.

armor of God reviewI found these paddle white boards at Dollar Tree over the summer and had to buy them! They worked perfectly for this game

Review Questions:

  1. Which piece of armor is all about making the right choice and following what God commands in the Bible? Breastplate of Righteousness
  2. Which piece of armor stores all our knowledge of God? We wear it to be prepared to fight against sin. Belt of truth
  3. Which piece of armor is all about believing in the person of Jesus Christ and that He defeated death so we could spend forever with God in heaven? Shield of Faith
  4. Which piece of armor keeps the truths of God close to us? Belt of truth
  5. Who was the most righteous person that ever lived? Jesus
  6. Which piece of armor is about telling our friends and neighbors all about Jesus and what He has done in our lives? Shoes fitted with the gospel of peace
  7. What is our mission as Christ Followers? To tell people about Jesus
  8. Which piece of armor is about the truth that Jesus rescued us from sin? Helmet of salvation
  9. Which piece of armor is all about God’s Word? Sword of the Spirit
  10. If we believe in Jesus & what He did, what can separate us from God? Nothing
  11. How much faith did Jesus say we needed? Faith the size of a mustard seed
  12. Which piece of armor isn’t really armor, but a weapon? Sword of the Spirit
  13. Why is it important to read the Bible? To grow closer to God, to learn about Him.
  14. What passage of scripture is the Armor of God found? Ephesians 6: 13-17

Total up the points after the game and announce the winner. Praise all the kids for how much they learned and if time remains, send leaders to each group for a brief small group time.

Small Groups (If time remains)

Close out the Large Group time by breaking into small groups (just add an adult leader to each challenge group).  

  • Were these activities fun today?
  • What was the most important thing you learned from this series?
  • Have you been wearing your armor each day?
  • Did you read your Bible this week or use the Bible study guide we passed out?
  • Close with prayer requests and prayer.

Printable Resources

Printable Armor of God Review Lesson

Memory Verse Game

Thanks for letting me share,


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