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Family Friday: Bedtime Routine Part 2


It’s Family Fun Friday on KidMin Mama. On Fridays, I get a little more personal sharing about my family and about resources you can use at home. Last week, I shared about Hope’s intense bedtime routine: read, pray, song, bed and one of our nightly books, Everything A Child Should Know About God. Today I’m going to talk about our other bedtime book, The Jesus Storybook Bible.  (this post contains affiliate links)

If I had to pick one book for Hope to take on a deserted island, it would be The Jesus Storybook Bible, hands down. I would choose this book not only for it’s obvious faith based content, but because it is written so well and the illustrations are beautiful. The book is written by Sally Lloyd-Jones and illustrated by Jago.

It’s my favorite Bible for my girls because it truly points every story to Jesus and does it in such an elegant way. Hope loves each story, can identify Bible character names, and is really starting to understand that it’s all about Jesus as our Rescuer. The illustrations are also less “cartoony” and a little more on a the realistic side (without being 1970s intense). It can be difficult for preschoolers to understand Bible stories to be true when they are just as cartoonish as any Disney story.

I do recommend this book to all, but will say that reading a full story out loud to a group of preschoolers is a bit too much for them. Hope does better reading it one on one. However, I did use several stories when I taught at our VBS this summer for grade school aged children and it worked perfectly for that age group. There is also a great DVD series available that has voice over narration and animates each story.

You can purchase The Jesus Storybook Bible here and the DVD series here. Also, Everything A Child Should Know About God is only $16.15 this week on Amazon.  Please share your bedtime routine or Bible recommendations with me! I’d love to know what you use!

Thanks for letting me share,


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