Bible Lesson Preschool kidminmama 2810 views

God Made Our World

It’s Preschool Tuesday again on KidMin Mama and today I’m sharing two different versions of “God Made Our World”. When I teach Creation, I prefer to teach it in two parts: 1) God Made Our World and 2) God Made People. I like doing it this way because we can focus on people being made in the image of God (come back next week for that lesson).

I’m providing two versions of today’s lesson because I’ve taught them both ways and see positives to each. The first version is using the Jesus Storybook Bible and the second version is teaching with the help of a puppet. Puppets are great to use with preschoolers and you don’t have to even hide behind a curtain or be a ventriloquist! When I taught chapel, we used “Chapel Charlie” and the kids loved when he came to visit. For the sake of the lesson, I just call him “puppet” so you can give an identity to whatever puppet you choose. I recommend a fun one like this monster puppet.  (this post contains affiliate links)



Welcome children and introduce or remind them of Bible story time rules.

Opening Song

Jesus Wants us to be Friends 


Bible Story Transition Song

It’s time to read our Bible, it’s time to read our Bible, it’s time to read our Bible to see what God’s Word says.

Bible Story (Genesis 1)

Version One: Jesus Storybook Bible

Read “The Beginning: A Perfect Home” from The Jesus Storybook Bible, pages 18-25. As you read, have children give a thumbs up every time God says,“You’re good”. Stop reading after “But God saved the best for last” on page 25, then tell children you’ll find out what the best thing God created next time (you can have them guess if you’d like).

Review the story with the children and tell them:

Next time you go outside or on a walk, look at all God created. Let’s look for little tiny details on plants and big things in the sky or air. We can even thank God for all He created. That’s what we learned today! God made our World! Say that with me! “God made our world!” And because of that, we should take care of it and thank Him each day for it. Let’s pray.

Version Two

Supplies: Globe, puppet, it’s also great to have a visual for each day of Creation

Teacher: Hi friends! Today I’m going to talk to you about a very important story from the very beginning of the Bible. Do you know what book that is?

Puppet: Genesis!

Teacher: That’s right, but who are you?

Puppet: I’m (Puppet’s Name)! I’m here to help with your Bible story.

Teacher: Oh, okay! Well (Puppet’s Name)! Can all my friends say hi?

Puppet: Hi everyone! So what’s the super cool story today (Teacher’s Name)?

Teacher: It’s the Creation story. About how our world was made.

Puppet: Is that why you have that cool globe?

Teacher: Yes! It’s a picture of the earth. We can see all the different countries and places. Let’s see if we can find where we live.

Puppet: We live in (place you live)!

Teacher: That’s right, and that is part of the United States of America in North America.

Puppet: Did God create all that stuff? All those different color things?

Teacher: Yes, God did.  The very first words in the Bible tell us that, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Then it goes on to tell the story of God’s creation.

Puppet: What did God create first?

Teacher: God created Light. The Bible tells us that God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. Then God thought, “There needs to be a space to separate the waters of the heavens from the waters on the earth.” So God made a space to separate the earth from the heavens. He called it “sky.”

Puppet: Our sky is sunny today, but sometimes it’s dark because of rain or clouds!

Teacher: That’s right! Next, God brought all the waters of the earth together to make the oceans and the seas and to create dry land between them. Then, he covered the dry land with flowers, trees, and grass. God looked at the beautiful trees and flowers and said, “That’s good!” (children can give a thumbs up when they hear “that’s good)

Puppet: What did he create next? The sun?

Teacher: Yes! And the moon and the stars. They were beautiful! God looked at them, and again he said, “That’s good.”

Puppet: It is really good!

Teacher: Then God created the birds and fish. He blessed them and told them to multiply so that the sea would be filled with fish of all shapes and sizes and the air would be filled with beautiful birds. God looked at them, smiled, and said, “That’s good.”

Puppet: Wait, birds and fish? What about all the animals like penguins and hippos?

Teacher: That’s the next things he made. All the animals. Tall, skinny giraffes and furry little squirrels. He made cuddly little kittens and big, ferocious lions — animals of every kind.

Puppet: God created so many wonderful things! But what about people? When did he make them?

Teacher: That was the last, most special thing He made, but we are going to talk about that next time.

Puppet: Oh phew! I was worried. I love hearing all that God created. He did a great job!

Teacher: He did. Friends, next time you go outside or on a walk, look at all God created. Let’s look for little tiny details on plants and big things in the sky or air. We can even thank God for all He created.

Puppet: Wow! We learned a lot today!

Teacher: Yes we did, but we learned that God made our World.

Puppet: God made our world!

Teacher: Say that with me: “God made our world!” And because of that, we should take care of it and thank Him each day for it. Thanks for visiting us today (Puppet’s Name). We hope you come back soon! Let’s pray.

Closing songs

Thank you Lord for Making Me 

The Creation Song 

Story Reinforcers

(For this week’s story reinforcers, I have to thank my friend Shelly for her ideas! Many of these came from our church’s preschool backyard Bible club this summer that she headed up.)


Art Activity: Children will make a coffee filter Earth. Each child will color a coffee filter with blue and green makers to design their earth. Then take a spray bottle with water and spritz the filter so the colors bleed. The art can end there or after the earth dries you can glue it to construction paper with a memory verse or “God made our World”.

This is a super cheap activity, that the kids really enjoyed doing. If they colored a little or a ton, they all came out great. Here’s a link to About A Mom’s blog for exact instructions.


Sensory Bin: Using sand, beans, rocks, moss, plastic dinosaurs, and animals create a Creation sensory bin for children to retell the Creation Story.

You can see from the picture that our sensory bin got messy quick, but the kids loved it. This is actually a sand/water table, but I decided to fill the whole thing up with three different sensory bases, kind of like “environments”. The rocks and moss came from Dollar Tree.


Ocean Water Table: Using water, shells, and plastic fish (or water beads) create a water table to reinforce this day of Creation.

This table was another big hit for the kids. Having real shells made the experience a little more real. I found a ton of sea critters on Amazon for a great price. We also bought the goldfish from Amazon as well.


Nature Walk: Take children outside for a nature walk. Have them collect items they find and talk about all God made. Using contact paper taped to a window or wall, have children stick the items they found to make a Creation collage.

This is a fun process activity that requires little to no prep and brings about great discussion of God’s Creation.

Printable Lesson

God Made Our World Printable

Side Note: I don’t own these, but I love these Creation Blocks by Melissa & Doug. Another great way to share the story!

Thanks for letting share,


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