Bible Lesson Preschool kidminmama 5816 views

God Made People

This is the second lesson in the two part Creation series for preschoolers, God Made People. I like to separate the two lessons because God created people different than animals, land, etc. Humans are created in His image. I like to take the time to focus on that idea and how it sets us apart and over animals. I also like to highlight how each child is special and unique. I hope you enjoy this lesson and activities. A printable copy will be at the bottom of the post. (post contains affiliate links).




Welcome children and introduce or remind them of Bible story time rules.

Opening Song

Jesus Wants us to be Friends 


Bible Story Transition Song

It’s time to read our Bible, it’s time to read our Bible, it’s time to read our Bible to see what God’s Word says.

Bible Story (Genesis 1)

Last week we talked about how God made everything—the trees, the grass, flowers, birds and animals. All of it, He made it! He created it!  

Today, I want to talk to you more about things God made. Did you know that God made all people!? He created each and every one of us. I bet you knew that already didn’t you. But here is the coolest part…God made us to look like Him! We are made in His image! Let’s read in the Bible what the story says.

When God created the earth He made a LOT of cool things—plants, animals, oceans, land, but the greatest thing he made was MAN. He said, “I want to make a human being in my image, to be like us. They will be in charge of all the birds, fish, and animals all over the earth…even little animals that scurry”.

So God created humans in his own image. He made two kinds of humans (hold up boy and girl cookie cutters) male & female, girls and boys! Then God said be in charge of the earth and have lots of kids! He wanted them to take care of the wonderful creation that He had made. He was so proud of his creation.

God made peopleNow these cookie cutters aren’t really you and I are they? No, they are the image of a girl and boy. When we look at them we can see one is a girl and one is a boy. Just like these are images of boys and girls, we are made in the image of God! Isn’t that cool. Let’s say that together: God made Me. And God made people.

You are a special creation of God. I want everyone to look at their finger. Do you see the little lines that swirl? What is that called? A fingerprint! And no one has the exact same print. God made each finger print special and unique, just like we are all special and unique. No two people are exactly alike! Why? Because God made each one of us. God made me!

I want you to remember that you are loved and a special creation of God. So remember, God made me!

Let’s pray.

Closing Songs

Thank you Lord for Making Me 

The Creation Song 

Story Reinforcers

God made people playdough

Playdough: Provide children with girl and boy cookie cutters. Reinforce the idea that we are made in God’s image. Allow children to make cut outs of boys and girls. You can also include other cookie cutters representing what God created.

God made people playdough2Playdough is always a big hit with my girls, and even though we’ve used the boy and girl cookie cutters several times she still enjoyed this activity. She talked about all God created as she played with the cookie cutters. You can purchase a flower cutter and squirrel cutter from Amazon.


Self Portrait: Provide paper, markers or paint, and a mirror for children. Ask the children to look in the mirror and draw what they see. After they have drawn their portrait. Ask them, “what makes you special?” and share what they write on the bottom of their portrait.

Hope loves to paint, so she chose to paint her self portrait. She kept looking in the mirror to figure out the colors she needed and parts of her body she hadn’t painted yet. When I asked her what made her special, she answered (without prompting) that it was because “God made me”. We love these paints


Sensory bin: Provide a sensory base and add small animals, trees or leaves, and Adam & Eve (or boy and girl) figures. Children will then reinforce and reenact the story they learned.

I used sand and floral-type raffia to be the grass. I also purchased a “baby’s breath” fake flower at Dollar Tree and pulled the blooms and leaves off of it. I think the little rubber animals are from my MIL, but you can get some similar here. I used the same peg people from a few weeks ago, but added hair to represent Adam & Eve. Since they are peg people, you can do the whole “no clothes” business with no issues 😉 As we played, Hope and I talked about all the things God created and what He did on the seventh day.



Fingerprint Science: Using a stamp pad, allow children to “fingerprint” each of their fingers onto a piece of paper. Then allow the children to study one another’s fingerprints using a magnifying glass.

Hope really liked checking out her fingerprints. I wish I had bought a new stamp pad, you couldn’t see the definition in her fingerprints as well I would have liked. Still, it’s a fun science-related activity.

Printable Lesson
God Made People Printable

Thanks for letting me share,


2 thoughts on “God Made People

  1. JJC

    Thank you for such a great lesson! I especially like how you tied the cookie cutters being images of a boy and a girl to people being made in the image of God. That’s a tangible connection that works! Thank you so much.

  2. Brandy

    This was so beautifully put! I will be teaching to our class room tomorrow and this even spoke to me! Thank you so much for taking the time to create and post this!

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