KidMin Mama continually updates grade school resources. Please continue to check back or subscribe to get blog updates!
Armor of God Series:
A seven week series all about the Armor of God. The final week is a fun review game day that will put their knowledge to the test. Includes a large group lesson, small group discussion, activity and verse card.
- Belt of Truth
- Breastplate of Righteousness
- Gospel of Peace
- Shield of Faith
- Helmet of Salvation
- Sword of the Spirit
- Armor of God Review Lesson
Basics of Gospel:
This is a three lesson series teaching children the foundations of the Gospel regardless of race, location or socioeconomic status. This specific curriculum was designed to take on mission trips and needs limited supplies to teach.
The Grow Series:
The Grow Series is all about teaching our kids how to “grow” in their walk with God. This is a five week series and covers a lot of basics for children as Christians. Each lesson contains a large group lesson, small group discussion, activity and verse card.
Kids in the Bible Series:
This is a three part series on helping our kids discover kids from the Bible and how they can take ownership of their faith, now! Each lesson contains a large group lesson, small group discussion, activity and verse card.
- Part One: Naaman and the Servant Girl
- Part Two: David anointed as King
- Part Three: Abraham and Isaac
Who is Jesus? Series:
In the “Who is Jesus?” Series kids become detectives and discover who Jesus really is in God’s Word. They investigate the Bible themselves, answering questions and collecting clues. Each lesson contains a large group lesson with “case studies”, a short small group activity and verse card.
Wonders of the Bible Series
This is a four week series based on the movie “Wonder”. Each week has a clip from the movie that goes along with it as well as a large group lesson, small group discussion, activity and verse card.

Advent Series:
Christmas is our time to focus on the Christ’s birth. This four week series helps children understand why the birth of Jesus is so important. Each lesson contains a large group lesson, small group discussion, activity and verse card.