Monday Mama Devotional kidminmama 1133 views

Monday Mama Devotional: Jesus is Enough


The other day, I was wrangling the girls to leave the house and went to get my three year old, Hope, from the bathroom. She’s standing in the mirror and says, “darn it”. Okay, so she didn’t say “darn it”, it might have been a skosh more profane than that. (I apologize to my mother in advance for telling this story) I asked her if she knew what it meant (she didn’t) and where she had heard it (from me…that’s just wonderful). Then I remembered my little slip-up when my little one spilled something earlier and I was sure Hope was either zoned out or out of earshot. Come to find out, she had heard my “lovely” mistake. I told her it wasn’t a nice word and mommy shouldn’t have said it. I asked for her forgiveness. Then I said if she ever heard me say it to get on to me and if I ever heard her say it, I would get on to her. She agreed to the deal (thank the Lord).

I share this story because none of us are perfect people which will make us, no matter how hard we try, imperfect parents. Since I am a vastly imperfect parent and person, I am continuously thankful that I have been redeemed and that the Lord can redeem the numerous ways I will screw up parenting my girls.

This past weekend, I attended a “Girl’s Getaway” at our church and Psalm 130:7 was the theme verse for the weekend: for with the Lord is unfailing love and with him is full redemption.” It’s such a short, powerful verse, so I looked at the context in Psalm 130.


Psalm 130

The story of grace, love and redemption through Jesus Christ is obvious in this passage and it beautifully written throughout all of scripture. “He himself will redeem Israel from all their sins”.  I am thankful Jesus is enough because I could never come close. I am a screw-up daily. I can try and try to be this perfect parent that fills my girls’ childhoods with “Pinterest-worthy” memories and picture perfect days, but I will never succeed in perfection (see story above). Imperfection is only perfection through the blood of Jesus Christ. He stands in that huge gap and I am eternally grateful that He did. I could never and will never be able to do it on my own.

There are days that I mess up and keep trying to push for perfection, but when I fail, His unfailing love sweeps me up and reminds me that I am redeemed. Jesus is enough, so let Him be enough. Let His forgiveness, grace and love spill over your moments of imperfection in parenting, in relationships, in everything.

Psalm 130:7

Thanks for letting me share,


Crazy Faith Coffee, Great-Tasting coffee!

2 thoughts on “Monday Mama Devotional: Jesus is Enough

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    Loved this! Thank you

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