Bible Lesson Elementary kidminmama 2353 views

Kids in the Bible Part Three

Hi Everyone! If you remember a few months back, I shared a series called “Kids in the Bible”. This was a great series for our group because the kids could really identify with the importance of owning your faith right now, instead of waiting until you grow up. I decided to add another lesson to this series, focusing on the story of Isaac from 1 Samuel 16. I hope this lesson is impactful with your kids! All printable files will be available at the bottom of the post.

Welcome Question

“Who are some kids in the Bible?”


Good Morning! A few weeks ago, we learned about kids in the Bible and how important it is to start living your faith now! Our welcome question asked today, “Who are some kids in the Bible?” Let’s go over your answers (review answers). The first two kids we talked about in this series were a young servant girl to a man named Naaman and also about young David anointed as king. Today, we’re going to talk about another kid in the Bible. This kid was told to do something pretty crazy and through it, he learned about obedience and trust in God.

Large Group Lesson

This story today is from the Old Testament and the very first book in the whole Bible: Genesis. Before we read our story, I want to give some back story. God made a special covenant with this guy named Abraham. Abraham was going to be used as part of God’s big “rescue plan”. He told Abraham he would give him a special land and that he would have more descendents (or children) than the stars in the sky. Pretty big promise, right? Well, there was a problem. Abraham and his wife couldn’t have children. For years they waited and God finally gave them a baby boy named Isaac. That’s when the story gets REALLY interesting.

Let’s read about that story from the Jesus Storybook Bible, “The Present”. Just a reminder, this book is a paraphrase, which means it makes the Bible’s words easier to understand and in a children’s story format.

Read the Jesus Storybook Bible pages 62-69 (read while pictures go along with the story on the screen)

That’s a pretty crazy story, isn’t it? Imagine just going on a little hike with your dad and then you end up on the fire! Isaac was just a boy, he could have been really scared, but he loved and trusted his dad. He knew whatever his dad was doing was going to be okay. Imagine laying on the altar and you’re not quite sure what your dad is going to do. You’d be terrified! But Isaac bravely trusted his dad and God. Then God provided the perfect sacrifice. Genesis 22:13 says, “Then Abraham looked up and saw a male sheep. Its horns were caught in a bush. So Abraham went and took the sheep and killed it. He offered it as a whole burnt offering to God. Abraham’s son was saved. God tested Abraham, he wanted to see if Abraham really loved him.

Let’s read Genesis 22:15-18 about how God renewed his promise to Abraham after he passed his test:  The angel of the Lord called to Abraham from heaven a second time. 16 The angel said, “The Lord says, ‘You did not keep back your son, your only son, from me. Because you did this, I make you this promise by my own name: 17 I will surely bless you and give you many descendants. They will be as many as the stars in the sky and the sand on the seashore. And they will capture the cities of their enemies. 18 Through your descendants all the nations on the earth will be blessed. This is because you obeyed me.’”

God promised again to make Abraham a great nation! He blessed him for his obedience even when it was probably the hardest thing Abraham had ever done. The cool thing is that Isaac is Abraham’s descendent and God is going to keep His promise through Isaac, and Isaac’s sons and his grandsons and his great-grandsons.  

Now some of us would have thrown a fit if our parents asked us to climb on a pile of firewood. We would have complained and yelled and screamed. Or maybe we would have just been too busy texting or playing video games to even hear our parents tells us to lay on the altar. Isaac didn’t throw a fit or talk back to his dad. He loved his father, Abraham, so he obeyed. Abraham loved God, so he obeyed. If we love our parents, we obey them, even if what they are asking us to do is absolute craziness!

Isaac showed his faith and bravery early on in his life by obedience to his dad and later to God. No, he didn’t live a perfect life. He doubted God and made mistakes just like we do, but he learned to trust in God. Some of you have a hard time obeying your parents, it doesn’t get easier to obey God. He’s asks us to do hard things, things that might scare us or make us uncomfortable. But God loves us and He will bless us through our obedience to Him.

It doesn’t matter how old you are right now, you can obey your parents and obey God and see the blessings God will put in your life. Let’s pray.  

Small Group Discussion

Say: Today, we heard the story about Abraham and Isaac learning to trust and obey God. Isaac was brave and he loved his dad so he obeyed him. Abraham loved God and obeyed him. In the end, God protected Isaac and provided the perfect sacrifice. God wants us to trust and obey Him. Let’s see what you remember from the story.

  • Why was Isaac an important child? His parents had waited for him a long time.
  • What promise did God make to Abraham? He would give him land and make him a great nation.
  • What did God ask Abraham to do? Sacrifice his son in worship to God
  • What did Isaac ask Abraham? Where is the animal to sacrifice?
  • Did Isaac argue with Abraham? What did he do? No, he obeyed his father
  • When is it hard to obey our parents? Allow them to share
  • Why does God want us to obey our parents? He wants us to obey them and obey him, our heavenly Father. They love us and want what is best for us.
  • What did God provide for the sacrifice instead? A ram (or male lamb)
  • Was God ever going to allow for Isaac to get hurt? No, he had a plan the whole time
  • What did God do after Abraham passed his test? Renewed his promise to Him–that He would be a great rescue plan
  • How can you obey your parents better? How can you obey God better?

God loves you. He wants your obedience because He wants you to trust in Him. He wants your life to be filled with blessings and a relationship with Him. Your parents want the same, they want you to obey so you can have a loving and trusting relationship with them. Be like Isaac, obey bravely! Trust in God.

Bible Challenge:

Supplies: Bible Verse Build: Blocks with memory verses taped on them (2-4), Father Says (K-1)

This week’s Memory Verse: “Trust the Lord with all your heart. Don’t depend on your own understanding.” Proverbs 3:5

Go over this week’s verse. Practice as a group. Say: To help us learn today’s verse we’re going to play a game.

K-1 Father Says: Isaac obeyed his father and learned to obey God. Today, we’re going to play a game about obedience. It’s just like “Simon Says”, but instead it’s “Father says”. I’ll say “Father says pat your head”and then you pat your head. If Father doesn’t say it, then don’t do it. At the end of each round we’ll practice our memory verse.

2-4 Build It: Today, we’re going to build our memory verse. You’ll race to see how fast you can put the memory verse together. Each block has one word on it. Work in teams to see who can “build” the verse the fastest. After the game is over, time the group to see how fast they get and practice saying the verse to their teams.

Prayer: Ask children if they have any prayer needs and then close in prayer.

If time allows, return to Large Group. Choose one child to share what they learned for Large Group Recap.

Printable Resources

Printable Part 3: Kids in the Bible

Proverbs 3:5 Verse Cards & Activity

Thanks for letting me share,

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