Monday Mama Devotional kidminmama 900 views

Monday Mama Devotional: Lord of Hosts


This week, I had the privilege of teaching our grade school kiddos about worship. I realized how often we skim over things that become Christian “habits” and assume the younger generation understands the reason behind those practices. They ate up what I was teaching and even put into practice writing their own praises and worship to God. As I was preparing my lesson, my heart was reminded of the reason we worship God. He is God. The one, true God. Done. End of story. That’s why He is to be worshipped.

I love the definition of worship from the 1828 Webster’s Dictionary, “Worship is to honor with extravagant love and extreme submission”. If that’s the definition, I fall short of true worship 9 times out of 10, but I know in my heart I love God fiercely and I truly want to obey Him. He is so good, so strong, so powerful. I need the reminder that He is bigger than all of what is going on around me. He is God.

There is a lot of turmoil in our country right now. It’s heartbreaking, it’s sickening and it’s honestly just a hot mess. One of the songs I introduced the kids to during my worship lesson was “Lord of Hosts” by Shane and Shane, based on Psalm 46. Verse 6 of this Psalm (and song) stands out to me the most:


He utters His voice and the earth melts. It melts! He is so much greater than this mess we’re in and the most beautiful thing is, He has already gone before us. He knows the outcome and He is still there, sitting on His throne. We can go into this next season of our country’s life and know that God is in control. He is there. He’s not leaving and He is with us.

I encourage you to read all of Psalm 46 here and below I’ve shared “Lord of Hosts” for you to listen to as well. Take time today to worship God for just being God. Tell Him you love Him, why you are thankful for Him and then trust that He is in control.

Thanks for letting me share,


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