Printables Summer Events kidminmama 5127 views

Memory Verse BINGO!

Hello friends! I’ve been away wayyyyy too long! A lot has changed since I last blogged. I am a mama to three! We added our sweet Remy Joy to the family in February and she is seriously the best baby ever. She sleeps through the night, is always smiling and happily gets dragged around. We are grateful and so thankful for this girl! (post may contain affiliate links)

This past spring was a busy one! I wrote several new lessons based on the Jesus Storybook Bible that I hope to share soon. I also designed some printables that will hopefully help you out this summer. The first that I’m sharing today is a “Memory Verse BINGO” that I created for our kidmin kiddos.

I made this BINGO card to challenge our kids to memorize scripture all summer long. This past Sunday we had our “summer kick-off” and I reminded kids that even though we can tune out school work in the summer, we still need God’s Word everyday. I encouraged them to “hide” God’s Word in their hearts by memorizing scripture. To get a BINGO, they must recite a verse to one of our kids team members. They’ll sign off on that square and then they memorize another square. For every BINGO (five in a row) they get, they’ll get to get in our treasure box. We recently had a Buc-ee’s open in our little town and all the kids are obsessed, so my plan is to fill our treasure chest with all the goodies from there. (if you don’t know what Buc-ee’s is, click HERE). The more BINGOs, the more prizes! If they get a black out (all the squares), they’ll get recognized in church and a gift card to Chick-fil-a.

Right after I passed these out I had kids ready to say verses they already knew and some even flipped open their Bibles to start memorizing right then. I did make a verse “key” for our kids team to have on Sundays so they can quickly pull up the verse. I have that listed below along with the BINGO card. Our goal is for the kids (no matter the translation) to get 90% of the verse. I can’t wait to see how are kids rock this challenge this summer!

You can use this easily with your own kids or your kids ministry. Print on cardstock, post to your church’s Facebook page or even email it to parents. This is an easy and fun way to promote scripture memory and intentional discipleship opportunities in the home. You can download this printable and memory verse key under “Printable Resources” below.

Thanks for letting me share,



Printable Resources:

Memory Verse Bingo

Memory Verses for Bingo

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