Elementary Preschool Volunteers kidminmama 1172 views

We Need More Men in Children’s Ministry


Over the past few months, we have really pushed the recruitment of men in our children’s ministry. We don’t have a large ministry, but we’re still always in need of leaders. We love seeing men serve, especially alongside their wife and kids on a Sunday morning. What a difference it has made having them in our classrooms, teaching our children! Yet, there are so many churches, so many children’s ministries that lack the support of godly men.

I will never understand how a man can be such a strong leader on the football, soccer, or baseball field and yet cower at the idea of walking into a classroom full of children on a Sunday morning. Stop buying the lie Satan is selling you. Stop accepting the excuses. If you can teach a team of children to understand a sport, then you can teach them about the Lord. Good, strong, faithful Christian men are scared to enter the realm of children’s ministry. Maybe it’s not the manliest gig in the world, but there is a GREAT need for strong, godly men to invest in children’s earliest years of faith formation.

Look around your church’s children’s ministry…you see women, lots of ladies and that is great!  But where is the example for boys? They read about giants of the Bible in their classrooms and yet see few of them teaching the Word. You are needed. Young boys will one day be young men and they need you to show them the way.


For the men who do serve, THANK YOU. Thank you for investing in children other than your own. Thank you for putting up with the rowdy boys who simply need someone’s attention.  Thank you for introducing children to Jesus and laying a faith foundation. We need more of you. Encourage young men, seek out men whose talents would blossom in a classroom, but for some reason feel unqualified. There is nothing more frustrating than seeing gifted, godly men make excuses for one of the most important jobs in the church.

Serve where your gifts are. If you are on the field coaching kids, you can be in a classroom with them. A music stand can pass out a bulletin and people can find their own seats, but who will tell our children about Jesus?

Thanks for letting me share,


1 Comment

  1. Pastor Joe Patton

    Amen! A man needs a kick in seat to do the right thing and may there be pain on the backside of many men from this article…….which will be given to them from their loving wife. A message they need to hear! May the pain begin!

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