Bible Lesson Preschool kidminmama 2886 views

Noah Obeyed God

It’s Preschool Tuesday! Thanks for stopping by and checking out today’s post. Today I’m sharing “Noah Obeyed God”. I always think this is such a tragic story to share with children (God literally hits earth’s reset button), but the importance of Noah obeying God is an important story and concept for us all. There are also lots of great story reinforcers that go along with this lesson. Check it all out below and a printable lesson is available at the bottom of the post. (this post contains affiliate links)



Welcome children and introduce or remind them of Bible story time rules.

Opening Song

Jesus Wants us to be Friends 


Bible Story Transition Song

It’s time to read our Bible, it’s time to read our Bible, it’s time to read our Bible to see what God’s Word says.

Bible Story (Genesis 6-8; story from “The Beginner’s Bible” pages 26-33)

    • Good morning friends! Today, we have a very special story you might have heard of before. This story comes from the very first book of the Bible, which is what book? Genesis! Genesis is in the Old Testament.
    • This is the story of a man named Noah. Back in Noah’s time, people did bad things and forgot about God. Except Noah, Noah loved God.
    • God was sad that everyone but Noah forgot about him. He told Noah about his plan to start over. God told Noah to make an ark. Who can tell me what an ark is? A big, big boat.
    • God told Noah exactly how to build the ark and Noah and his family began working.
    • When it was all done, God said, “take your family and two of every animal into the ark”. Animals creeped, crawled, hopped and galloped onto Noah’s new boat.
    • After everyone was inside, the rain began to fall. And fall, and fall. The ark rocked this way and rocked that way on the rising water.
    • Finally, the rain stopped. Water covered everything! Everyone inside the ark was safe. Noah and his family were very happy.
    • One day, Noah sent a dove to find land. It flew and flew but never found any. So it came back. One week later, Noah sent the dove out again. This time it brought him an olive leaf. Noah cheered, “it must have found land!”
    • The ark finally came to rest on the top of a mountain. God told Noah to leave the ark. Noah and his family praised God. God put a beautiful rainbow in the sky. It was a sign of his promise to never flood the whole earth again.
    • Noah listened to God and obeyed him. We need to do the same and listen & obey God. He will tell us the right thing to do. Just like we obey our parents and our teachers, we need to obey God. That’s what we learned today, Noah obeyed God.
    • Close in prayer.

Closing songs

Thank you Lord for Making Me

Rise & Shine (The Arky, Arky Song) 

Story Reinforcers

I found a lot of great ideas on Pinterest for this lesson. There are so many ways to go with reinforcing this story without creating a paper plate craft 😉

eHow's Mom Blog

Rainbow Rice Sensory Bin: Fill a sensory bin with rainbow rice. Provide sensory scoops, bowls, etc. for children to play in the bin. You could also include animals to help retell the story. This bin reinforces the rainbow as a symbol of God’s promise to never flood the earth again.  

I love rainbow rice! It’s easy to do and provides a great base to your sensory bin. I’ve used this tutorial from eHow’s Mom Blog. It’s simple and so much fun. Plus it reinforces the story in a play-based way.

Playing an animal match game

Animal Match Game: Provide an animal match game for children to “pair up” the animals before they get onto the ark.

Animal Match Game

Frugal Fanatic’s Blog has a cute little animal match game you can print, though there are several available on Pinterest. It’s another simple way to reinforce the story. Print and cut out or if you think you’ll use them in the future, laminate them as well!

Pom Pom Rainbow

Rainbow Sorting Activities: Provide a rainbow sorting activity to help children reinforce the story as well as help with fine motor and sorting skills.

Here are three options below for great color sorting and rainbow play activities. I couldn’t choose just one, so I shared them all!

Sticky Wall Rainbow
Sticky Wall Rainbow: Children work together to create God’s rainbow using contact paper, tissue paper and cotton balls.  As children work, talk to children about how God keeps His promises.

This activity from Momma, Papa, Bubba’s Blog has to be one of my favorite activities I’ve seen for Noah’s Ark. A group processed art activity is always a great idea. You don’t have to send it home and children work together to make it! This activity also adds a sensory component.


Ark Block Play: Provide children with blocks and animals to create and fill their own ark. This activity helps children process the story.

This activity is one of our own. I asked Hope to build an ark from blocks. She loved making the ark and filling it with Little People animals. Even little Zo helped out! She then retold the story to me and wondered how she could make the rain 🙂

Printable Lesson

Noah Obeyed God Printable

Thanks for letting me share,


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