Summer Recap & Back In Time Skit
Happy Wednesday! I’ve been waiting to recap our crazy busy summer with you and now I feel like I’m finally getting back into a normal routine, which I haven’t had since the beginning of May. Thankful to have a few moments to share the fun summer we had at our church as well as the skit I wrote for our Kids Summer Bash (our version of VBS). (post may contain affiliate links)
I started the summer at Student Life for Kids Camp which was a blast! We have always attended with our sister church, but this year we went solo. It was great for our kids to have our own church time and be with the leaders they have each Sunday. The camp we attend is Lakeview Retreat Center in Waxahachie, TX. It’s a great location and facility, with pretty decent food and fountain drinks (hallelujah for Diet Coke!).
After camp, we jumped straight into Kids Summer Bash, our version of VBS. The theme was Back in Time! KSB is a Monday-Thursday evening event and allows kids to choose one elective for the week. This year we offered Art, Cheer, Rec Games, & Science. The biggest change we made this year was including little ones, ages three and up. They rotated through art, science and rec games and had the best time! PreK and up started in large group time with music, a “Pastors vs Kids” game, skit and Bible story each night. We also did a “boys vs girls” competition and collected toiletries throughout the week for our local outreach center. The winning team (the boys) were able to silly string the pastors. We ended our Thursday night with free snow cones and then Friday was a church family day at Hawaiian Falls (local water park).
I wanted to make sure I shared our skit with you, which was a play on “Back to the Future”. We’ve never done a full skit at KSB before and the kids loved it. I included the Bible story teacher in the skit so the transition from skit to Bible story was smooth. I’ve included the skit below, under “Printable Resources” in case you have a similar theme for your next VBS. Please email me if you have any questions over the skit. I’m happy to answer them!
The other two events we hosted over the summer were called “Wild Wednesdays”. These were offered to ages three through fourth grade (completed) and were free. In July, we did “Art Wild Wednesday” and kids rotated through painting, color play and sculpture making. In the middle we took a break for worship, snack and a quick Bible lesson. In August, we did “Wacky Wild Wednesday” where we dressed a little crazy and kids rotated through a wacky craft, wacky snack, wacky game and the wacky salon with face paint and hair color. As in July, we stopped in the middle of the rotations for worship and a short Bible lesson. We had a great turn out both months and both events were fun and simple to put on.
I ended the summer like a crazy person by then going to Student Camp in Glorieta, NM and then our Student Mission Trip in Denver, CO. I was beat by our schedule, but so thankful to be involved in so many great experiences over the summer. Our biggest news of the summer was finding out we’re expecting baby #3 in February! Glad I packed in all I could this summer because next summer will be quite a bit different 😉
I hope you have recovered from your own crazy summers! Let me know if you have questions about anything we did this summer, I’m always look forward to talking more kidmin.
Printable Resources:
Thanks for letting me share,