Bible Lesson Preschool kidminmama 8913 views

Preschool Lesson: The Bible is Important

Today I’m finally back with a preschool lesson! I’m sorry it’s been awhile. I’ve missed sharing preschool lessons and today I’ve got a great one! This lesson is out of Jeremiah and focuses on the importance of the Bible. It also includes who wrote the Bible and how they wrote it. It is vital at an early age to explain that the Bible is true, relevant and important. Remember, we are building a biblical foundation in our preschoolers and learning about the importance of the Bible itself is crucial. I’ve also shared some story reinforcers with this lesson and a printable pdf version is available at the bottom of the post (post contains affiliate links–purchasing items through them support this site!).


Welcome children and introduce or remind them of Bible story time rules.

Opening Song Jesus Wants us to be Friends


Bible Story Transition Song

It’s time to read our Bible, it’s time to read our Bible, it’s time to read our Bible to see what God’s Word says.

Bible Story (From Jeremiah 36:1-4, 22-24, 27-28, 32)

  • Who loves books? I know I do! Who loves it when their mommies or daddies read books to them? Here is a tough question, what is an author? Can anyone tell me? (the person who writes the book). That’s right!
  • And what is this book? (hold up the Bible) Who is the author of the Bible? God! But did he get out a pen and paper and write it all down? No! He used people, a bunch of different people over a long time to write down His Words.
  • In fact our story today is about one of those men. His name is Jeremiah. He was told by God to write down what God told him. He had a friend named Baruch and as Jeremiah shared God’s mission with him, Baruch wrote all the words down on the paper.
  • Well, there was a king at the time that didn’t like what God was saying and he took all that Baruch & Jeremiah worked on and burned them. The king did not want to hear what God had to say and he wanted to arrest Jeremiah and Baruch for what they wrote.
  • But God always wins and God protected them from the king. God told them to start again with all the words he had told them to write down. And they did!
  • Jeremiah was used by God to write down part of the Bible. That must have been a very important job because it was for a very important book! Today we learned that the Bible isn’t just a book—it’s a very important book that God gave us to help us learn more about Him. Let’s say that together, “The Bible is an important book”.
  • Close in prayer

Closing songs

The B-I-B-L-E

I’m Gonna Walk

Story Reinforcers

Scroll Writing Dramatic Play Supplies: Construction paper, pencils/markers, (optional) paper towel tubes

Provide children with scrolls and pencils. Allow them to write letters, their name or even drawings on the scroll. You can also provide words like “Bible”, “God”, or “Jesus” for them to copy down on the scrolls. You can make simple scrolls by rolling up the ends of construction paper or using paper towel tubes

Bible Conversation Supplies: Variety of Bibles (adult and child)

Provide children with all kinds of Bibles they can look at and read. Talk about how the Bibles might all look different, but they are all telling the same stories. Explain that the illustrations in the Bibles are drawings of what really happened, not pretend cartoons like we see on TV. The Bibles with no pictures are filled with words and stories about what God did and will do.

Bible Verse Stamp Activity Supplies: paper, stamps, verse paper

Write or print Isaiah 40:8 the word of God will live forever”  on a piece of paper (see printable copy below). Children can use letter stamps to find the matching letters and stamp them below the printed letters. You can modify this activity by only picking certain words from the verse to copy or using the phrase “the Bible is important”

Printable Resources

Printable The Bible is Important

Isaiah 40:8 Stamp Page

Thanks for letting me share,


1 Comment

  1. Robin Fox

    Love your lesson❤️

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