Monday Mama Devotional kidminmama 990 views

The Ugly Word “No”

I don’t like the word “no”. None of us do, I’m sure. I didn’t like it when my parents said it to me. I really don’t like it when my kids say it to me and it annoys me when other people say it to me. Yet, the very worst is when God tells you “no”. When He closes a door and you don’t have the faintest reason why. You come up with every complaint and excuse to make to Him and sometimes you even try to go around His answer. Either way, it doesn’t end well.
Recently I got the answer “no”. I’ll be honest, I was disappointed, frustrated and angry. Then I started with the complaints, but quickly stopped them. I was staring at a closed door that I couldn’t open. Nothing was going to change that. So I looked around for the open door. There will always be an open door…maybe not right away, but there will be one. Sometimes we pass it by and think it’s not for us, when really God’s been holding it open the whole time. We can sulk in our disappoint, throw a fit even, but at the end of the day, God’s plan is ALWAYS greater. We have a choice daily to trust in His divine plan or fight for our own way. One way will lead to greater faith, the other will lead to more disappointment.

Proverbs 3:5-6 is a verse we’ve all heard, but seldom follow through with.

I didn’t understand why I got the answer “no” and I probably never will, but if I had stayed and sulked, I would have missed the green lights God was already giving me. Several years ago I realized, in a very painful way, that I always wanted to be on God’s path for me. Being on my own was way too hard and challenging. I wanted to be where God was leading me ONLY…No more diverting to what I thought was a better way. As hard as I try, my path will never be as straight as His.

Today, you might be staring at a closed door, angry, frustrated and unsure of where the open door will be. Trust in Him, lean on His understanding and keep your eyes open for the door He has for you.

Thanks for letting me share,  


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