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Teaching Kids About Tithing


Today, I want to share a little bit about our Kids Church service (aka Sunday School). We do not have a two hour church service with Sunday School as the first hour and then worship as the second. We have one service time, so Kids Church (K-4th) takes place during that time. Our 5th-12th graders have Student Groups on Wednesday night and adults/families are encouraged to attend a community group as well.

During Kids Church, we try to prepare children for “big church”. Yes, we play games and have lots of fun, but we also worship, dig into God’s word, pray, and teach about tithing. During our “offering time”, we have one child lead in prayer and then play a video on the topic of tithing. To be honest, there aren’t a lot of options out there that are kid friendly and really “teach” about tithing. Here are a few we’ve used:

Tithing Donuts:

Tithing and I Know It:

The Tithe Rap:

These are fun a couple of times (mostly the raps–our kids like to dance), but as our new kindergartners have moved into Kids Church, we realized the need to train and teach them about tithing. Our kid’s team and I decided we should just make our own video. We wanted something our kids would enjoy and really understand why we give to the church and what their dollars do each week.

I decided to film something simple, that explained Biblically why we tithe and how their gift was an act of worship to God. I also explained the areas that were impacted by their tithe: supplies (administrative costs), ministry, missions, staff, building and future of the church (savings). I used my silhouette to make die cuts to help explain tithing visually and make it a little fun. I hope this video can be used for your kid’s ministry or your own kiddos to help them better understand why we tithe! If you have any other resources to share please comment below.

Without further ado, you can check out KidMin Mama’s “Tithing Video for Kids” below.

Thanks for letting me share,


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6 thoughts on “Teaching Kids About Tithing

  1. Evita Patton

    Great video! I think adults could benefit from this as well. Some think tithing is too difficult, but this shows the simplicity of how we can be faithful to God. Good job!

  2. Monica

    Love it! Perfect, easy-to-understand. I’m showing it to my own teenagers!

  3. Meredith

    Thank you, thank you!! Super video 🙂

    1. kidminmama

      Thanks Meredith!

  4. katie

    I was wondering if we could purchase this video to be downloaded? so that its not playing from youtube?

    thanks for considering

    1. kidminmama

      You don’t have to purchase it, but if you’ll email me I’ll try to share the video with you so you can download it.

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