Monday Mama Devotional kidminmama 1251 views

Monday Mama Devotional: Hold on to Truth

I’ve tried this morning to write an eloquent post on my political thoughts from this weekend and for some reason I can’t. Yesterday, as I struggled with how backwards our world has become and how difficult the coming years will be for followers of Christ, my pastor read this verse:

While we are mocked, excluded and ridiculed for our faith, the Gospel will still give us hope, it will still provide peace and comfort us. Those around us will continue to call us names and belittle us for our “dated” views. They will not understand that those views are eternal, they are never changing. They are the views from the one, true God. They are truth.

So if you are like me this morning and feeling unsure about the future for yourself, your children and your children’s children, don’t. Take hold of the confidence and peace that comes from the cross. We still and always will have the Gospel. We have TRUTH through Jesus Christ. Just keeping holding onto that truth, because this life is probably going to be a very bumpy ride.

In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

Thanks for letting me share,

1 Comment

  1. Evita Patton

    Well said!

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