Bible Lesson Elementary kidminmama 5500 views

Who is Jesus: Healer

Happy Wednesday! I’m really excited to share this new series with you over the coming weeks! I wanted to change up my usual format and put the teaching in the kids’ hands. Each week, our kids have been turning into super sleuths, breaking into their small groups and studying “case files” to understand who Jesus is. Then they share their findings with the group through skits, drawings or songs. You can really see their wheels turning as they study God’s Word. The six-week series includes: Jesus as Healer, Teacher, Friend, God’s Son and Rescuer, with the last lesson being a review week. I hope you enjoy this series as much as we have! (look for a printable version at the bottom of the post & this post contains affiliate links)

Welcome Question

“Who is Jesus?”


Hi everyone! We are kicking off a brand new series today called “Who is Jesus?” In this series, we’re going to do a little investigating to find out who Jesus really is. We pretty much know about Jesus’ birth and even His death and resurrection, but now it’s time for us to find out all that stuff in between. Our welcome question today asked, “Who is Jesus”? Let’s go over your answers now. (go over answers written) One very important part of Jesus’ life was all the healings He did. Why did He do those healings? What was His angle? Today we’re going to find out!

Large Group Lesson

This is Case #322, the Healer. I have four different witness accounts of Jesus’ healing. Today, we’re going to divide into four groups and go over our evidence. It’s your job to ask the tough questions: Who? Why? When? And then report your findings to the group. This might involve you getting a little creative. Are you up to the challenge?

Jesus’ Healings Case Studies

Pass out manila folders marked “evidence” for each grade. Each small group will use their file to study scripture related to Jesus’ healings.  Give the groups time to complete their study, then bring them back for a long group recap. (if time permits, they will complete their Bible challenge at the end).

  • K-1: Leper, Matthew 8:1-4
  • 1-2: Blind Man, Mark 8:22-26
  • 3rd: Demons, Matthew 8:28-34
  • 4th: Jairus’ Daughter, Mark 5: 21-24 & 35-43

Healer Case Studies

Recap Discussion

Allow each group to come together and share the findings from their investigations, then wrap-up the lesson.

Today, we learned a lot about who Jesus is a Healer. Jesus kept the things he did pretty quiet. Do you think we should “show off” the things we do for others? Why or why not? Jesus wanted God to get the ultimate glory for those healings, just as we should want God to get the glory when we do things for others. Jesus loved others and he wanted to show them how much God loved them too.

Jesus helped many, many people just like we heard in the four stories today. There are so many more stories we could hear and learn about. Jesus came into the world and started fixing it. Psalm 147:3 says, “He heals the brokenhearted. He bandages their wounds”. Jesus didn’t just come to fix people on the outside, he came to fix them on the inside. To heal their hearts and allow them to have a forever relationship with God.


Our investigation of “Who is Jesus?” will continue next week. I hope to see all of you super sleuths here to help carry out our mission. Let’s pray.

If time remains, dismiss back to small groups for Bible Challenge. If no time remains, pass out verse cards.

Bible Challenge

Bible Challenge will only be completed if time remains after large group recap

This week’s Memory Verse: He heals the brokenhearted. He bandages their wounds”. Psalm 147:3

Go over this week’s verse. Say it together a few times. Then transition into the Bible Challenge activity.

Bandage It Up!

Supplies: verse cards, band aids, bandage wraps, markers

K-1 Version: Chant the verse together as you wrap one child up in bandage wrap. Unroll that child and say it again wrapping a new child. Variation: Say the verse and pass the bandage wrap over/under as the kids stand in a line.

2-4 Version: Split your group into two teams. Each team will have bandaids and one marker. One child for each team will be the “person in need of healing”. The teams will race each other, opening bandaids and writing one word of the memory verse on the bandage. Then they must place it on their “person” in the correct order. The first one to do so wins!

Prayer: Ask children if they have any prayer needs and then close in prayer.

Printable Resources

Printable Who is Jesus: Healer

Healer Case Studies

Psalm 147:3

Thanks for letting me share,

8 thoughts on “Who is Jesus: Healer

  1. Alicia Calhoun

    I loved this lesson. It was exactly what I was looking for. I have one question: where is the 2nd lesson. I have looked and I can find healer, friend, son of God, and rescuer, but I can’t find the teacher one. Thanks again for your hard work.

    1. kidminmama

      Hi Alicia, I had to repost that lesson out of order because it was unfortunately getting a ton of spam. Here’s the link to that lesson. I’m so glad you loved this lesson, our kids have loved doing this series. So happy I can be of help!

    2. Elaine

      I love the lesson too! Do you happen to have the answers that you can share?

      Excellent idea and may the Lord continue to bless you with such excellent ways to teach His children. Blessings!

  2. Alicia Calhoun

    Thank you!

  3. Ra k

    I just use you lesson Jesus is a healer I break the kids they study the story answers the each one of the group draw the answers on posterboard the presented to the class. They had the best time. Thank you so much for sharing.

    1. kidminmama

      I’m so glad they enjoyed it!

  4. Sue Fry

    Where is the link for the memory verse cards. That is the only thing I am missing. I love this series and am looking forward to teaching it. Thank you for all your hard work in writing this and sharing it with us.

    1. kidminmama

      Hi Sue! I’m so glad you like the series! I apologize that the link was not updated. I just fixed it. Here is the new file link:

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